Hi everyone, I know where have I been in a while, right?
Haha (^_^)v!
Anyway, I've currently been reading the young adult book called, Hush,Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.
I'm only on chapter 2 so I can't really say if I love or like the book but so far the book is really great. It reminds me somewhat of twilight.
The characters are quite vivid, also the story is quite funny also.
The only problem I have is some of the vocabulary, it's very challenging or at least there are a few words I should look up.
Here's a few:
-Derisive:mocking or taunting
-Inversion:An act of inverting
-Innuendo:Indirect information about a person or thing
A daily blog of ramblings and such
Archive for 2009
Before I go to bed, I want to tell you how my day went.
Well, while I was in the Japanese book store called, Kinokuniya (???).
The first time I went the lady seemed nice, but the second time I went she seemed mean and confused.
The third time I went, she wasn't there and the service was nice~.
Basically, I went to the store 3 times in 1 day, haha, she probably thought I was stalking her or something.
I also went to Claire's and bought a lot of earrings (I'll take pictures).
And got about 4 Japanese magazines, have you ever noticed how heavy and big Japanese magazines are?
If you haven't they are quite huge. I bought 2 Cutie magazines, Vivi and an Arashi magazine.
They were really expensive~!
Well, overall I had fun at the mall, the shopping, the experience and the lights.
Something I could do without there? The people, the people were really rude or maybe that's just me, for you see I don't go out the house much lately.
YAY! We're going to Palisades mall today.
I really don't want to leave Joy-chan by herself but I will bring her back something great!
Oh, I feel bad now (;_・)
I WILL bring her back something terrific.
Also, while I'm there I'm going shop for earrings, I forgot my mom bought me a Claire's gift card so I'll be earring shopping like crazy~!
But still, once again I'm spending no more than $20.
(*´ο`*)=3 はふぅん I have to go now.
Joy still refuses to play or hang out with me. I guess I should give her a few more days to get to know me and browse around her new home.
Today at SK was...a new experience for me. I learned that if stares could kill I would be dead and also I learned that helping out people gives me or anyone a great feeling inside them, right?
Aww, it's 10:22 p.m. already? I feel like the day hasn't even begun, but for some reason I'm getting sleepy ( ´∀`)!
I guess it's best if I do get some rest (hey that rhymed) because tomorrow we shall be going to the Palisades mall, we've(my family w/o Joy-chan) has been wanting to go for a lot time now. When I get there, there's a few places I would like to visit. Like for instance the Hello Kitty store they have there and a cool Japanese bookstore that sells a lot of Japanese and Japanese related stores, when I go I want to pick up a few Arashi CDs and Magazine, hopefully I don't go over my limit of $20.
Oh yeah, and don't forget to remind me that I have to go and buy a hamster ball, new food and new bedding for Joy-chan~!
Is today my first post if 2009? With me posting and creating new blogs you would think the last time I wrote in here was 2008, haha XD.
Today is Christmas, a day most people would call relaxing or even a fun day to spend with the family. My older sister isn't here so how family-oriented can you get,right? She makes everything fun or funny.
What did I receive on this bountiful day?
-A laptop (I'm using it now~)
-A hamster, I named her Joy but I might change it later.
-A necklace & earring set (gold, ewww, but for now I'll ignore it, I'm wearing the earrings and necklace now)
-A cellphone (It's the instinct, I've wanted that phone forever)
-A $200 debit/credit card
-A Barnes and Noble card (with the American girls on it :P)
-A yellow ipod (the newest one)
And probably some other stuff, but I just can't think about it...
Today, as a family, we are going to a homeless or soup kitchen and help serve the less fortunate people in our community, usually I wouldn't care, and I would agree to go. But I don't know, I feel like I shouldn't have to this on Christmas...basically I'm acting spoiled and I don't like that about myself.
What's going on now? Everyone is getting ready to go to the soup kitchen (SK) and Joy is sleeping. Hey, did you know I am really spent a little of my credit/debt card? I think I only spent about $24 dollars but still...That's a lot in my book.
Today I met with Christina- my Korean teacher who is 20 years old. She kept apologizing about missing me at the movie theaters but I'm OK with it, it was my fault actually-or even my mother's fault for not coming earlier when I reminded her I was suppose to meet her.
It seems like everything day I'm doing something for someone. Yesterday it was doing my sister's homework and now it's helping my friend Alice with draw pictures for her Spanish project. Well, I want someone to do something for me, for a chance.
My mom has 2 more days off, I'm happy. She's worked her hardest at her 2 jobs for several years she deserves a break, especially since she's always complains about them,too.
I saw the new Fefe Dobson's music video, titled "I want you". And I must say, I hate the song and video. I'm into her old stuff, not her new stuff. Anyway, my point is. I want saw her hair and it was so cool! It was straight and black. I was always a fan of jet black hair and I mean always. I have brown hair, no more like a light brown and in the sun red hair. I don't like this medium of hair color. I want black hair! Hopefully, I get permission to get this done. If you don't understand, then check out my other blog, princess days (for short).
Oh yeah, I changed my blog layout to this really cute one. It's suppose to be a garden like it?
I started a new blog called, Nishizawa Hanako's 100 princess day. Haha, I liked the title and I realized that some of the things I write here, should be seperate. You know the un private things. On the S.H.'s 100 princess day blog I write about my family and their funny moment. The title is really different from the summary I just gave right?
That's it for now, see ya.
Each time I think about it. I get madder and madder. I had $180 in my bank account. My mother took the money out, as you know. She spend it on something-anything stupid. It was not food or drink for me or my brothers and sisters, so it's stupid.
I had planned to save that money for a rainy day or to spend on santagotchi. Another tamagotchi I would like feverishly.
But, instead, I now only have $36 in account and also $7 in my saving. I'm so angry, you really have no idea. My sister is suppose to call the bank and tell them what happen and hope they take pity on us. That will hopefully get my $100 back, but still, that 100, will be going towards my exmotchi which is $149. I want to put it on hold, but the man I'm buying it from Shinya, has already or hopefully has already bought it. And to make matters much worse, I forgot I bidded on item and must pay that within 7 days on a report will be filled on me for the 7th time! This is all terrible and it's all thanks to my mother. I knew something was up when she told me I had a negative in my account, I was thinking in my head, how can that possibly, be the cause. I know how to mange money, but that old demon stole my money! I weep each time I think about it, for it was not right for her to do such thing to I. I now have to save up every little penny from my next two pay check. I shall no longer pray for rainy days.
Did you know that I love the after taste of Green Tea? And do you know that I now leave the light on after last night when I saw the daddy long legs, and couldn't sleep. I went to my mom's room (my room from time-to-time) and ask her to kill it. She said she was too tried and told me to sleep in the room. I couldn't sleep in the bed after what happened...do you remember that? And so I slept on the floor. I believe she felt bad and so she went in the room and killed it with my shoe. My shoe! But I didn't care as long as it was gone. Would you believe me if I told you, in that saw day I killed a daddy's long legs off my counselor, Linda's shoe?
David called a total of 4x today, I didn't answer the 2,3,4th time because the phone died, and also I wasn't here. Even if I was here, I wouldn't want to talk to him. He likes to hear me laugh. I have been through a lot of stuff that I can't bring myself to laugh, so I fake laugh-alot. At him, my mom, and even sometimes my older sister. To spare them hurt feelings. When I fake laugh, I don't hurt myself at all. But am I hurting them when I fake laugh? Can they detect it?
I email alot people the other day about my desire EXmotchi. I will stop at nothing to get one of those genius toys. They will make a fine addition to my Tamagotchi collection. So far I only own a genjintch,musicstar and tamagotchi school. I use to own, much more than that, until one of my family members threw it out, I forgave them, but each time I think about it I feel so hurt and feel like screaming. Not so much thrashing them into the ground. I think as you grow up, you keep something from your childhood. Since, I'm still in my childhood, I plan to take my tamagotchi collection with me until I'm gray and old and pass them down to my children, that is...if they would like them. And that is..if I have children...people always compare me to my aunt. Who is not married, is a peacemaker, easily hurt, probably easy to muniplicate and determined and basically a saint, through and through. She doesn't have children and is not married and in this family that's a crime. And I, for one don't know why.
On a whim, I decide to create a Berryz Koubou/Kobo blog. I started one before but I deleted because someone was boring me terribly on it. Sort of like a stalker who called me names and plus I think people lost interest in it(that one was a lie, it was actually picking up nicely). Anyway, the new blog I have is so hot. And I know I said I never was going to get a Twitter and now I have one,sadly. I'm going to delete it soon. I see no reason in getting a Twitter when you can have a regular blog and post small entries. Of course, I could never post a small entry because my mind is always jampacked! But still I like talking anyway. Oh yeah here's a picture of my post from JE. I didn't get too comments about it, just 5-6 altogether but 1 person started the convo. So...
I feel complete
It's so interesting. Humans I mean. They say, "I won't do this anymore" or "this is bad" and do it anyway. Is it me or do I see the world way differently. Oh yeah, I never won the teen book contest, that I posted on so many of my blogs, I'm highly upset. Oh yeah and I almost forgot, I can cross this off the list of things I wanted to do in my life. It was to post a secret on secert post site. I put my own JE secrets, at first I wanted it to be Kpop, but instead I choose JE because I saw my new favorite Kat-tun member Ueda with an african american guy and they were laughing and joking and this gave me hope.
Pure, new found hope.
I don't know how that boy, David, smells like but whatever it is. Is not working for him. I want to say it's sweat, but I don't know. Wait, that must be it! Wait...no. Anyway, I'm fighting with someone, guy or girl it doesn't matter, about STAND, he thinks all STANDers are stupid just because they don't worship his or her girls' generation. It really sounds like a boy. Anyway, many things have been roaming my mind. And to this point I must express them out or I'm go crazy (this is easy to do) or explode.
1. My family is nuts as you
2. I don't want to talk to David anymore, he's not funny and everyone believes he gay and my mother believes he's psycho.
3. At this rate I'll be single forever, not like we were going out to begin with, psh!
4. This girl on Silent Tears the "stuck up one with glasses" is my new idol.
5. Even though I hate Jessica Jung I'm still really jealous of her.
6. I'm at my mom's job typing this and must look behind my back every sound I hear.
7. My mom just came and I gave her a quick talking to about reading people's diaries.
8. Anyway, it's hot back here and I'm sweating, maybe it could be because of the wool jacket I'm wearing.
9. My hair is short and I hate it but I'm not going to put ext. in my hair until school.
10. I might have to go to bishop maggin again, I don't want to! I want to go to Korea Kent Foreign School!!!
11. In the winter, I'm going to korea, I can't wait but I don't think it will happen, I don't even have a passport.
12. My sister got mad at me on Wed. because Chris's pamper wasn't changed and I didn't know about it. FYI, I didn't have the boy, so how what I know he's need his diaper change! Now, I'm kicked out of the room.
13. My mom's friends are bad people. So my mom hanging out with them makes her bad right?
14. I wish I had a great idol...
15. I love ekip high, I was listening to them all day, when it was raining.
16. New layout, I just changed it. As much as I love Namie. That skin is super old.
17. I can't lie anymore, I'm addicted to ebay and something I'm bidding on is about to end ^_^ It's a tamagotchi angel, US ed. It's pretty rare.
Haha! Koi no Hana and Pure are tied in post but not for very long. Do you know I feel like a man for coming back to this blog, when I want to. Really I have no shame!
Anyway, today I went shopping with my sister, David called me and told me he cut his hair and I told him I also did, which I really did I just took my extensions. I'm currently also active on a forum for teenagers who read books, like I. Also, I was offered a spot to become a library intern. My mom believes I will stick with this, but I won't because becoming a librarn is something I don't want to become when I get older. I really want to become a korean singer, like someone I admire and hate, Jessica Jung from Girls' Generation. But, really, if that's not acceptable then I would much rather become a teacher. And this is what I want to do with my life. At first this was all a little light laugh but now it's starting to get heavy because I'm suppose to meet with this women on Sat. August 8 and 9:00a.m. Yes, A.M.! Do I even wake up that early? On Sat, I finally got my genjintch and credit card at the same I was happy. I ordered my genjintch about a week ago and got it yesterday, that was quick,right?
Two post in one day I'm on a roll! Anyway, I'm tired of David, no he didn't call me and upset me like normal, but that's just the thing, he didn't call and so I decided that I don't like him anymore, it might take...a week but I think I'll be ok. Right?
Chris is crying, Monique is complaining and I'm tired.
What a sad cruel life I lead! Today I was terribly bored and had to find entrainment online. That's where I bid my heart out-well watch bidding, look for new books, signed up Simon pulse and went back to my daily routines of hating Jessica Jung. I really don't know why I hate her, I just do. Actually, I think I truly hate because I'm not, like she has this cold presence about her that I wish I had, I don't why, but to me it's cool and I use to harness this feature when I was really young. Anyway, I'm starting to feel a sting, more like a blow, I don't think I'm in love with David, but iI do wish he would call often and that I wouldn't be so mean to him, oh how I wish!
I think maybe he believes that I have mood swings and is sexist because of a few things I say but I can understand a little. Now, my sister is starting to hate me, not my younger sister for I could care less but my older sister, occ. we have fall outs but this one has got to be one of THE DUMBEST FIGHTS we have ever had. It was about her child's pacifier and if she was could control her child well, then she wouldn't need one!
I feel so very torn today, like always. All yesterday, and the days before I heard mother's side of the story, all today and days before I heard my older sister, Monique's side of the story. I wish I could escape this life. My mother is really terrible in away, she makes things dramatic and always wants things to be messed up but my sister monique is ignorant and proud and these all things they must fix. Me...I guess I'm sneaky for today I met David at the park and we walked around, tomorrow I hope to do the same thing but I'm not sure, I'm pretty mad at him, I mean at 5 something in the afternoon I thought I was talking to him on the phone, but then 3 minutes later I heard a man's voice! I think to myself, what's going on?! But they were fishing, and you all the concentration you can get when you're fishing, I would like to fish with sometime. I keep thinking of this boy, but I wish I could for it's not healthy nor good. But he likes me a lot and I like him...not alot though, just as a friend, but when I think to myself in my head I heard myself call him boyfriend, I don't understand this at all! For now, I'll flirt with him but if he asks me to become his girlfriend I will have to decline.
My sister is talking to her husband on the phone and they are discussing living matters, my sister is fed up with my mother and I'm afriad it my turn out to something terrible, again.
I wish I could confine David but everything I say to him could spread around or he could associate with my brother, even though it's my problem.
In other news, I was blindless bidding on ebay with my paycheck money and am are up to 57 dollars in debt! I should stop but I must by the Royal Diaries series lot of book, it's really a bargin you know. I sadly, lost the green mortha at a last minute bid, curse the person who won, they probably don't even know what or how to use it, they probably just want to add to their childish collection
Love? Like? Crush? Love object?
Which is which? I currently like a guy named David, he likes he back, hard and I'm confused. Once two people who like each other a lot go out together what do they do? We don't go out and I want to go out with him but I want to respect my mom's wishes of not dating a guy until I'm 16. This is weird for this person is my brother's friend. I really hate part the most, he's my brother's friend, and so my brother will take and make any opurinty to break us, when we "flirt". I love the guy, he's really funny and cute...and oh, maybe shouldn't write this stuff or one my family members will see and taunt me! But the guy is perfect: Taller than me, somewhat smart, funny, super cute, and also romantic. And that's what I want a guy, but I'm just missing one little thing, he must be older than me, which this boy is not, he's 14 and in the 9th grade, I feel so dirty! Also, he's a little on the big side, but I love it, nonetheless, size doesn't matter. To say the very least, I think this might be my first real real crush. I'm acting mean to him, I only do this when I like a guys, but he doesn't seem to mine it, he must be saint.
In other news, I'm starting a tcg named Golden Fishery, it's a cool site, still in the making and I need new cards, my temp is too small.
I must remember to remove this site off my sister's computer. Why? Have I ever told you about the day she stole my diary and read it aloud. My own personal,private diary! The whole reading thing didn't bother so much-now, but then it did. But the thing that still ticks me off, until this day is that she said I cursed in it. I mean I didn't even curse! At that age I did know what curse words were and...maybe said them around my friends-but they were the ones who told me about them and encouraged me to say them, I never dreamt of saying them around my family,though, they told me not too and plus they sounded nasty on the tongue. So now, if you ask if I cursed ever in my life, I might lie and say "never" or "no" but really I have. Did I mention that today at "work", you can't even call it work because all we do is sit there in the park, but that's ok with me. Free money!
I was talking to admin about what the girls had about her. I thought she should have at least have the right to know, but this is how my 6th grade yr turned out, today they also said more about her but I won't tell her -only because I want to say her from embarssement and torture and also save the girls from a terrible death. Anyway, she said the way I talk is weird, she mentioned this twice. Today she asked if I was a preme, I said no, have you not looked at my size! And yesterday, I was telling her how because of my light coloring people think I half african american/cauasian or hispanic. She said she could tell by the way I talked, for I don't speak like her. I don't know what that means.
- - -
I went to see my korean teacher today and she was no where to be found.
Some random thoughts for you:
*I want my old appetit back
*Me and sister were walking through the rain today
*I hate going to work
*I'm full, finally the 1st in many days
*I'm addicted to peanut butter, but I don't know now
*The internet timed out for a few minutes.
*I'm reading the book bad girls don't die and the diary of anne frank
*I never finished A great and terrible beauty.
*Blogger never got my 3rd entry.
I wrote a short poem:
I went to my first job today,
It was boring at hecklings,
did my sister's college homework and took quiz,
I got a 85/100 on the quiz,
I had to bear bugs blurring all around me,
No time to read,
No time to complete TCG,
Had to listen to father's BS
Got called a Retard B***h
End poem.
It seems like everyday I'm struggling with this women, one minute it could be about me and sister arguing and then the next minute it could be about how I don't respect my father. Today, it was about stop acting like a baby in front of restaurant workers. The story for this scenario was that some(2) boys that I didn't even like or were flirting with rung up my order and said it was $200 dollars when really it was $6.50 that meant they were flirting with me by trying to be funny and all. Then after were waiting and the guy is like order #?? and I look at the bag, it's ours,naturally, and my starting yelling at me to read the number on the receipt. When I knew it was our food, I mean come on, she even looked in the bag herself and saw it was our food, she was just being a freaking bully, and it had to be our food because no one else was there! She's always talking about how she doesn't want me to end up like my aunt with no kids or a husband, but by the looks of things she wants me to end up just like her.
I swear hate that old bitty! And now, I was just kicked out my sister's nice smelling room and back into my smelly room. And why is it smelly? Because of my brother, I tell him to turn off the air conditioner but no he turns it on and keeps it on for the whole freaking day and the air from the air conditioner leaked into the mattress and now the whole room smells bad. Why? Because I need a new mattress. Just because you put baking soda or what the heck you put on it doesn't change a freaking thing! Stop being freaking cheap and buy your a daughter a new freaking mattress!
Purple Wind
I haven't updated Koi no Hana in a while, but oh well. I'm thinking of putting it on hiatus for a while then just tending to this blog.
The other day, I'm not sure if she saw or not, but let's just say she saw, on my desktop one of my favorite Jpop male singers with no shirt on and just in a shirt with a blue towel on. How did that picture get on my computer. Beats me. And even if I did know how it got on my desktop I wouldn't repeat. Who saw it? I think my sister...I think, she came here looking to get her paper for a class-or something. And this is why she shouldn't save things on my computer.
- - -
Human beings can be so greedy! I was just watching some game show on Cartoon Network. Funny, it's called Cartoon Network but you see real people acting on game shows,ghost hunts and destroying things they didn't even really built.
So, anyway, I see this girl with blond hair and the host some weird random guy who wears a bored/angry expression every now and then-basically I think he's "etchy-sketchy", like the word, I came up with it this morning, it means someone who looks suspicious or funny. So anyway the guy asks the guy, "Do you want to double your money?" she anxiously says "yes" without even thinking. All she cared about was getting the money. She already had $1120 or 1150 dollars. I would have took the money, but no. And so she got most of the question wrong and was left with $550 dollars.
Wishing on a Star
I thought a lot about today. Seeing as how it's now 2:03 AM and I have not still went to bed for I've slept earlier I have to think.
I want to get started on talking about my father. I looked up his horoscope and it's stats many time so I think they're both compatible (I mean him and his astrological sign). They say he is childish,self centered and also mean. I could not agree more. I could not think of any good things about Geminis so I had to go online and look them up and I found: good listener, accepting and fun loving. The only thing I can agree on is the fun loving in this case. It seems like he likes to have fun with his bf,Antonio. I would like to talk to him some day, but I just can't bring me-myself to actually forgive him. Too much as happened. But I am on the verge or forgiving him. Why sudden change of heart? Because my said if I do not forgive and forget, I will not be blessed by god. And I really do want to be blessed by god. Actually, there's a many things I want in my life to ask god (these are favors and at times I feel down right selfish for asking,but I ask with hope he listens). Well, my sister is trying to sleep, I'll write later.
Keep the Faith
There is no way around it. I can't go to bed. And I've been trying to avoid this a lot recently, but it gives none. I'm bombarded with many things.
Here are so examples:
*My Korean lessons (even though they are over, as of last Sunday)
*I want to learn Japanese but don't have the time.
*I say I don't have the time for many things when I do have the time, I just spend my days reading or sleeping or helping my mom out in the office.
*I'm lazy, I use to think this was a good thing, just so I could add a quality to my personality list but now it's not working. I don't want to be lazy anymore.
*I'm turning into a big KAT-TUN fan and no long want anything to do with arashi, this is bad for I love Arashi.
*I can't sleep for I have terrible dreams of...bad things,is all I can say!
*I have a new idol Maya Miki (not really a problem, but hey.)
The one bold or italics are my big troubles.
I'm tired of that man. What gives him the right to talk to me.
So, your part of the reason I'm alive. I didn't ask for that.
And you know what you did, so don't get so cute and think you have the right to speak to me when you don't. Not until you apologize for all you done.
And even then I won't accept you, I'll just kick you away like yesterday's newspaper.
So you drove me to school because a science test, big whoop! I could have walked, but I would have been SUPER late. Just because you did that favor for my mom, who ask, doesn't mean you can talk to me. And since I said thank you for the ride that should be it, for you didn't say a darn thing. Now just shut up and go back your nagging the other ones. I'm not your child, or don't you remember, you DISOWNED me.
Sorry, I had to rant and since this is my own private blog, I think I'm obligated to do so.
I swear the world is unfair. I moved back into my sister's bedroom yesterday, we'll see how long this last. Last time, I didn't even stay a month in her room.
All my activities for yesterday was:
*Work on novel
*fix computer
*Suffer from post-non computer syndrome.
*Get up the urge to work on incomplete fanlistings.
Now back to why the world is unfair, my mom would give some fake prophet money than her daughter to get her own hair done, this is really terrible. She always does this. That lady usually take 100 dollars or more while I only need 21.99 or 30 dollars top.
I hate this world at times.
Shine More
Yesterday, after the test I had a very peculiar day. I had an urge to go and look my horoscope after trying to look for an idol's horoscope for a site, I'm working on. I read my horoscope and the person whom wrote knows me too well. They even got the word I hate so much correct, "Selfish". Even though I'm not, I just dislike the word. Um, oh, and I had a very weird dream last night. I was having a birthday party, just the regular birthday party with a few of my old friends-some I don't even like...and sitting across the room is Sho Sakurai. This was weird because it was suppose to be a friend party. I think my mom was suppose to surprise me, so all I did was just bow my head and he returned it. Then I lead my friends upstairs. They began gossiping and I got tired and went to bed, when I woke up, I went downstairs and he was still there, so I tried to speak some Japanese to him (which was hard) and he understood and came upstairs to hang out with me and my friends, and that's it.
That's a weird dream. The only think it inspired me to do is take my language studies seriously or pay attention. And maybe learn some Japanese. But all at the end, I had this nagging feeling that I wasn't wearing any pants on...
No? or Yes?
I wish you guess knew how sad I am...I just found out that I won't be taking the test in science. I can only take it in August. I'm really upset, you don't know how mad I am. I should have just gone to see him and get the labs that were due. Oh my goodness, I'm so upset. On that day, I went to go see my sister give birth. My sister should take responsibility! But I know she won't and in a way she shouldn't have to...
Hey, do you forgive me? I mean I haven't wrote to you for a while. It's ok if you hate, I hate myself currently. Waeyo? Because...of many different reason.
First, I'm now currently back into fanlistings. So, I work hard on them. Liking fanlisting is now the reason why I'm burden with 6-5 of them that are due all next week or the week after that.
Second, because I'm so obsessed with managing my fanlistings, I have no time to study,watch dramas or do anything I want anymore, it's taking over a big chuck? of my life. But, I really should study for I have Health test and History all on Monday.
Thirdly, my sister just had her baby that I careless missed school for. I regret it now. That baby cries all day and night-I have no problem with this. Just the fact that my sister is a mom now really just irks me altogether. As you might have read earlier I never approved of her being pregnant. Now, that her actual baby is here, I'm highly annoyed. Today, I made a stupid comment such as: "Monique, where is your baby? Did you kill it?"-I was playing around. Obviously, she didn't think so and yelled at me. Well, sorry, I thought I was still talking to my old sister who use to laugh at everything I once said and did and mock me hopelessly.
Fourthly, my dreams are getting weirder and weirder. I love Aiba,Jun and Sho from Arashi-alot. But currently the only one I see in my dream is Sho. It's really weird because he's very similar to me in many ways, so is liking someone like myself boring,bad,good?
Fifthly, Today my brother got in trouble for me. This is minor since I always get in trouble for him, once even choked into I fainted. But anyway, so my sister asked me: "Did I have Oreo icecream". I answer no, because I really only have cookie dough icecream but I did mixed one or two scoops of oreo in it, but I didn't have all oreo (which I thought she meant). So, she hops over to my brother and which she knows he had oreo icecream tells him to clean out the cup in which I ate my icecream out of. I felt remorseful for him and very depressed after I heard him complaining later about to my younger sister. They now share a room, so yup she not in this room anymore,yay!
Well, I think I'm going to go pack it in and go get prepared for tomorrow's long studying session. And maybe during my breaks think of Sho (^_^) and of course Aiba and Jun!
Crazy Moon
I think I'm losing my mind slowly or at least very stressed.
1.I was first stressed because I hadn't gone to gym in 3 days. And thus I felt guilty.
2.I hadn't gone to school in many days or I missed many days.
3.We have a big test that's coming up.
4.My family seems to be going down hill, just recently my sister kicked me out her room for an unknown and probably selfish reason.
5.I have to get my passport soon.
6.I missed Korean Lessons on Thursday.
7.I haven't blogged in a while.
8.I've been spending a lot time online and on fanlistings-in general.
9.Only freaks like kpopsecrets and raid my minibar make me happy.
Wow, writing that made me feel relieved. But I have one more thing!
10.It's now 3:56 and I'm still not asleep!
They're at it again. My mom and sister. Here's what's going on:
My mom: She asked my sister to go pick up my brother who failed to do his chores before going over to his friend's house.
My sister: Said not until she is done cleaning the room.
My mom: Got upset because my sister said this and she always asks us to clean the room but we always say no or we're going to do it but don't.
My sister: Thinks she should be happy that she's cleaning up since she never does.
I: I really can't say anything because it not my problem, but they tell me things and it stresses me out because I feel like I have to choose sides. Has this ever happened to you?
I think it's ultimately sad, but one thing I can say is that my mom is having a major attitude today towards my older sister and brother. I know one will be aimed at me soon, I just know it.
This morning I was watching Arashi CMs, they really are funny, I love it. My favorite was the one where MatsuJun was talking about McDonalds' potato fries and Ohno asked where,where? And then there was someone with the listening thing-y in tv shows was there and...here the link, I love it so much.
Bye Bye Bye
From now on all my post titles will be named after H!P songs,Arashi songs,Perfume songs or Namie Amuro songs.
I renamed my blog from Over to Koi no Hana (is this love). So here's the line up of names:
Pure>Over>Koi No Hana>???.
^Hopefully it won't be re-named. I'm going to have to tell everyone re-link,again! わん!
Anyway, my life? What's going on?
My sister's fall outs with me are starting to become regular-and I don't really might it so much.
My mother is annoying my sister terrible and she comes crying to me-not literally of course.
I can't wait to go to South Korea for the summer.
I told my Korean teacher this and she was surprised, we're still on the rocks from the last fall out.
I have a science test coming up and I don't know what's going to be on it.
The teachers are loving me currently and I don't know why, I'm failing all of there classes!-Not really.
My friend Alice got a high grade on a test in Health and I'm really jealous-but not anymore, I got higher grade in English to cover that.
Oh no! My History project is due on Tuesday!
I want to learn Japanese but I really need to study my Korean
I improved on my Korean by 20%.
Why love? Violet
I reviewed my stats and they all say that when I'm blogging I get good grades,because it relieves the stress I have/had from school.
So start with yesterday, I asked my friend Natasha (spelling doesn't matter) if I could borrow her book, at lunch when I went to go look for her, she was no where to be found.
Today I was walking in the rain from korean lesson-I'm soaked,my uniform is soak, my shoes are...still soaked.
I finally told one of my friends about my mom and dad, she,Alice understood and I was glad I could finally get it off my back hopefully later it doesn't come back and bite me.
Next friday we have a day off, all the way up until that wednsday.
Now, I have to study for some stupid english test.
Vibrant Ash
I'm getting so sick and tried of people. I've been noticing that my moods are changing dramatically and I'm forgetting everything now. Here are some examples:
Forgetting: I left my math book in my locker at school which means I have to go to school early and finish or complete it during math or theology.
I forgot to pay my $11 for a 34 dollar(total real value) book and now I'm out of book and left behind. The teacher said he had it on the board for a week and announced it to the class. But he didn't and how would I know when I only went to school 2 days that week!
Mood Swings: As usual, I'm fitting with my sister and now it's getting worst. My mother,brother and everyone around me are really started to get terribly annoying to me!
Oh what can I do, if this happens at my Korean classes then I might really be out of the class for sure. Which reminds me I need to study my korean.
Gee Green
This is great. Just great. Today is a Saturday, I'm happy, I have my laptop-back,but only for a short period of time, I got a problem online solved and I joined a new tcg and also I'm managing my tcg sites just find.
But earlier, like on Friday I got really tired at school and didn't want to see anyone and I called my mom and drama began-I really don't want to talk about it, ask me later.
Anyway, what I'm really happy about is that I got email about a new tcg-it was really fast I joined about 5 minutes ago and got an email about 2 minutes ago. Also, my aunt just told me that I could come down and visit here in SK, where I'll be going for the middle of Aug. and staying until school begins or at least the 2nd week of school. The life I live is so....
Peppermint Spring
I don't like being rude to people, so I decided to open a new blog with all of my non private blog entries in it. And also I decided to delete a few posts, they seem inappropriate but I kept them in this blog.
Today, I have to go to Korean lessons and I guess I'm looking forward to it. The only thing I'm not looking forward to or anticipating is the walk over there. It's so long, I swear. So people would have probably said no, I couldn't walk that much. But every~ Thursday I walk. Except for last Thursday-I didn't feel like it.
Mountain Green
Yes,yes. I know I've been posting a lot today, but I feel since this is my own personal blog I can do whatever I want. I was on this Korean Entertainment fansite and I found some people who dislike DBSG-and within all good reason. I have never thought of it this way. But people think DBSG actually, made Korean music! Shinhwa and H.O.T and even more older artist should be the kings of Korean music. Even though I'm not Korean and my opinion doesn't count or I won't know about these things, I think that Korean and both Japanese fans-no all fans of DBSG are mindless-including the ones that say they're not an extreme fan like the others, because if you put all of them in a room, all of them are bound to splurge. Not one at least sane and not claiming her own "honey". Also I read on another Korean Entertainment fansite/forum-they also have an anti DBSG forum. Someone said they were fake. Well, I think they once were normal and not fake but now...I and a few fans have lost them. Oh course the antis and not fans have lost them also. Like Kim Jae Joong acts like a diva along with his "buddy", Jung Yun Ho. And also, Changmin voice gives me creepy now and also it sounds really terrible have you heard "Wild Soul" I tried to like that song, I really did, and also in other songs when his voice is not turned to highest level it's still annoying and it sounds bad-there is no way for that boy to win. Also Junsu-I almost like his voice in the end...but now it doesn't sound good, is really good or necessary to sound like a girl-this goes for Changmin also. And I think Micky is sadist-there's no way around it.
Also, they're fans are out of this world! Anyway, back to the fake thing. Well, I think there 99.9% of time fake but in the industry aren't all people? No that's right, Arashi is not fake. So, DBSG Arashi's rivals should not be fake also,right?
Also look at KARA, KARA has a lot of antis because people think they are so fake, because they're actually happy-smiling and dancing. People think SNSD are also fake for this reason. DBSG has never or hasn't done it in a while be happy on stage...I really don't get the world,today. I feel bad for myself for living in these times. From 1990's to the 2000's. I know life must have been a lot easier in the 1980's or even 1970's-I'm certain!
Short Story/Sub Chapter:
Whenever I feel I wrote too much in a day's setting I'll start a Short Story or Sub Chapter.
Well, when I washing dishes today I was thinking...I love my family-there I said it. For about a few months and maybe for a year, I was determined to not like my family, especially my mother. For allowing my father stay in the house, but I realize she did this because she loves us and that she's willing to even humiliate herself by catering to a man who does nothing-she gets money from this man. About $100 or more-I'm not sure.
The family time really comes from when we go to Friendly's (a restaurant), where we eat and talk, it's really fun and those are the times I cherish the most.
Mist Brown
Secret Post-su 2! I'm still not happy about posting these but whatever.
1.I dream very dirty dreams about the Arashi members (But I guess this normal for everyone)
2.I always dreamed that one day I would get raped.
About the first dream, I think this is normal for everyone, you know even at a low age of 12 you might dream of something inapproiate involving another human, also this is normal for me because I'm a teen and that's what we do.
About dream the second dream, I was very young of many 9 or 10-which is really no excuse but I thought that since many guys liked that...I would get raped one day because guys would always I'm cute or...that I'm pretty and smile at me and not take their eyes off me. Today, it's the same but they actually chase after me or hop out there car and try and chase me. This happened a few times and other times I can't even think of...
- - -
I'm continuing onto the first sin/secrets post...
#3-I don't know what to say...I was really young and many people actually really liked in Virginia. I really didn't have much say, because I was shy and I didn't really talk. I don't really remember who we got into what we did. All I can remember is the boy kissing my cheeks and maybe my mouth I'm not sure-all this in his closet or in his room closed. I think I really remember these events because there so traumatic for me. I think this goes for all the secrets.
But the one secret that scares or annoys me the most is secrets number#5 and possibly 4. But I was really young at the age of 4. I'm just hoping that he didn't take off his clothes and didn't try to do that with me and I didn't try and do that with him. In secret #6 it's like history repeated itself all over again, and that's...pretty sad.
Message to god:
Please god forgive me for I have sinned a lot, but the only real secrets or sins I can think of are only 8. Don't help me try and remember more for that will only me more stressed. (Like I'm not already stressed from gym). Please erase these bad memories from my life and mind and let me have a good life from now on and let me still be able to find the one I love-and the one that loves me. And that's not in family-regarding to secret #4.
No shame! No shame at all. My brothers and sister, the two little ones in the house, "pee" on themselves. I don't know why they do that, I guess it's because of trauma or maybe even the fact that they are beyond lazy.
- - -
Secret sharing time! I'm not happy to report any of this. I never had any good secrets, hey are there even any good secrets, I probably would know the feeling more if I had my old life back without the best from the east. Here are a few secrets that I have to get off my chest and there very freaky-I do not like.
1. My little brother is really only actually my half brother-my mom had an affair (I believe)
2.1 day, I think my brother tried to touch my sister, me and my brother stopped him (I think...it was long time ago and I was very young-but I think I stopped him.)
3.Down south(USA) when I was about 4-5 years old, I use to get kissed by many boys that were around my age or under, one I think was my brother.
4.Me and my brother made out once, and I almost humped each other I think (I'm not sure, we didn't take our clothes off, just sat on each other and moved around.
5.I use to have "feelings" when I was younger and...I would 'hump' many things, even one time my dog-just once.
6.Once I saw my sister try to hump my brother, but I caught them and almost told my mom on them, but I felt bad and didn't. Because she begged me not to tell.
^I'm very ashamed of myself. For all of these secrets, but I feel very happy for getting them out here, they have been bugging me for a while. I feel like I've sinned...6 times in my life. Possibly more if you add how many times I've done these things. But I've been clean for about 6 years or even 9-I don't know. All I know is that I haven't done any of these things in a while. These secrets are nothing compared to the ones other people hold under their skin-this includes celebrities and even animals. Also, their are brothers and sisters out there that actually do it with their siblings, me and brother were close, but luckily we were very very~ young and didn't know anything or what we were doing.
I hope when it comes to judgment day that god forgives me. But in order for that I must forgive myself,right?
I will. I mean I do forgive myself.
I hope later along the line, everyone forgives me also...
Plus, when I kid of 3,4,5 I felt like a demon spawn, know that I think about it, do you think a demon was controlling me during this time. Each time I think about it, I always get these thoughts, think of things when my father was with us. Each time he was, do you think he was controlling or was his inner me coming out? I think everyone-despite what we know has an inner part of their mothers and fathers-even if we don't want to admit.
Wow, I feel really free now. I want to go outside for sure.
Timeless Lemon
A little over christmas, my theology teacher passed out little envelopes and inside they had a small bag of skittles, a card and a toy/item. At first I got a coin, when I received the coin, I wanted to trade with someone who had the necklace, at first I asked the boy and he said he would not trade with me, at the end of the day he came up to me and wanted to trade, I said I had already gaven it to one of my old friends or acquitance from school. He was upset but that was because he was too slow reacting.
Instead one my other acquitance from school gave her pedant, it come with a necklace-it weird she gave them to me freely. But anyway long story short after 4 months, I'm now wearing it. And it has an inscribition on the back of it. That says: "I'm a catholic in case of serious accident please call a priest."
I'm not catholic, in fact I'm christian, so should I wear this? I really like this pedant it's cute, and I really want to wear something that has to do with god, if I wear this does it show that I don't love him? That I'm joking for believing in christianity, that I'm ashaming many people?
I don't know what the answer is, but I'm going to keep wearing it, because I like it alot.
- - -
I'm having a hunger crisis, I didn't want to say it here, but I am. Since my journal is now private.
I didn't eat last night, I ate a little this morning and I don't plan to eat this afternoon or tonight. Why? Because...I think I'm getting way big for my age. I weigh 140, which is supposely normal for girl who 5'6-5'7. But I want to be skinny like the girl in my grade named mekeshia, she's possibly about 100 pounds. I'm going to guess. And it probably doesn't look weird when she wears skirts,pants or shorts. My thighs are huge-no lie included.
When I reach 115 or 120-again, then I'll be happy. I don't know how I going to lose the weight those, I hate excrising-actually I don't even know how to excrise!
- - -
I have exactly 4 days, until the horror house-meaning gym and school. I don't know why, but I just hate that class. The kids are evil, but the gym teacher is really watching my every move to see if I'm participing for points, isn't it enough that I'm on the court with you and I have my gym things on, unlike so people.
And also, now that the weather is warming up, we'll probably have to go outside soon. Urgh, I hate gym (>_<),
Clear Melon
I'm going back to what I said yesterday, is it really~ important or does it really~ matter what a person looks like on the outside? I think it should really depend on how a person is on the inside-many people say this but I don't think they mean it, even at times I feel like...I don't even mean it. Like here's a trivial example: I like Arashi-The members I first liked was Jun,Sho and Aiba based on there looks. Then I got to know them all more and now I like Ohno,Sho and Aiba. Jun reminds me of my older sister, who I have problems with every once in a while, Virgos have very big mouths, they know how to keep secrets when it matters to them and also they care a lot but never really show it, they also are...sadists...there that the word I'm looking for. No that's not the right word-drama queens. PERFECT! That's the correct word. And Nino...a Gemini I already said in the previous post why I don't like Geminis-but what's so weird is that Aquarians (I and my brother-but you would never guess) are compatable. I don't see it. But that's what the stars say. Geminis are backstabbers (just like Tarus'), pure evil,day & night-too faced,theives, make a joke out of everything and gluts. The only thing I have in common with them might be the making a joking out of everything-currently. In my sixth grade years, I can say that I had a problem with backstabbers-not saying I was one, maybe a little too faced but not a backstabber-but when you think about it, it kind of goes hand in hand,right? And every now and then I sort of steal, but I was manage to do something for that person to make up for the lost items.
Or maybe I should return them right? OK, I'll return my brothers and sister DS games and get my own. That's currently all I can think about that I have of theirs.
Well, there are also some qualities of Geminis that Aquarians do not aquire. For one, I'm highly stupid, but at times I feel very powerful and smart-like now, even in school at times I feel smart but I really need to study-but that's really hard for me to do-I have other things to do-well now I don't because I cut them out of my life, like forums and other things I use to do on the internet, now I'm just doing to blog and watch dramas, so far so good. I'm already done with 1 drama so far out of 3. That drama is Uta no Oniisan-Ohno is a really actor, now I see why so many people like him. At first, I thought it was because he was funny. I didn't see it,of course, then I thought it was his singing, I didn't see it again-I thought he was actually a spotlight hog and then I thought it was his dancing. I didn't see it finally,his dancing is not that great-acually he hardly dances in concerts and if he does he's not really up to par with the rest of the members. But then I saw his acting and I think his acting is way better than his comedy,leadership skills-which suck,singing and dancing. I should be so quick to judge next time. Please forgive me,Ohno.
- - -
In english, I think we supposed to be reading a book called, To kill a mockingbird, but I'm not sure if we were suppose to take that home and read over the break. I don't think so he said no homework and the whole classroom cheered-except for me, I told you I'm antisocial and I only really have 1 truly friend who I blow off at times, her name is Alice. This girl is really weak. She always wants me ask questions for her-for her?! It's your question right? Then why don't you ask. But I do it anyway.
And she's always tugging on my sleeve when I go to leave for something or when I don't want to do what she ask-it feels kind of weird you know, like I'm her boyfriend....ewwwwwx1000, I don't want to talk about this!!!
- - -
It's a nice day and I want to go outside but I can't leave my little brother in the house, would it hurt if I went out for a few minutes, I mean he is asleep after all. And plus I heard the sun makes you happier, and that's all I need is happiness.
- - -
Tomorrow, I have korean lessons, it feels good to finally be able to post that here, remember the lie I told about being half korean, I won't make that mistake again. I don't like my ethnicity, I'll get that out. There all a bunch of slackers,home-wreaks,society's weakest,they basically make me feel small. And with hiphop of please! But then, I realize you can find that in any country you to,right? And that, everyone in the other countries like hiphop and whenever they see an AA they feel jealous and want to meet that person or become like that person by getting tanned or buying clothes- I feel glad when I see this and that everyone does think the AA society is rude or weak. But really in actually, I don't want to be like them. I must not be like them! I want to be a cool,shy,sweet,smart,excelling at something girl. A girl who can achieve her goals without even trying! If you asked this girl, what she wanted to be 4 or 5 years ago she would have said, for everyone to like me or have more friends. But at the age 15, in 9th grade, I do not care. I do not care for these things anymore, they are useless to me now, all I want is for the new girl to come our soon.
But then at times I want the old girl who had a very happy family of just a mother,2 brothers, 2 sisters to make her return and be...happy again. But when the beast from the east here, I don't know what to do. I can try ignoring him, but at times that fails and no, I don't want to befriend him, I'm tired of doing that for my mom's sake. I just want him gone.
- - -
A list of wishes:
1.All my goals and wishes come true
2.That everyone falls in love
3.Outter beauty doesn't count or does not exist
4.World Peace
5.Saving the Earth
6.Stop killing animals
7.I can have the happy life of not having a dad anymore
8.My grades me top~ notch, so I can get into a great college
9.I get to go to english h, and not be sent to reg. honors because I'm in a low math class.
10.One day excell at math
11.Be happy-truly
12.Marry the guy I have on my mind-currently~ at this moment.
Berry Strawberry
I like the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga but my sister said she's gay, that turned me about from the song for a while, but I can't help it, I love music and at the end of it, it shouldn't matter if you like the person or not, it should matter if you love the music and did it reach your heart. This song has reached my heart, and when I ever I hear this song I sort of feel like dance but also think about how it relates to me. In school, I never let people see the real me, the sort of loud, lazy, likes to add her 2 cents in every once in a while. The only side they see is the shy,quiet me, which is the me I want them to, I don't want anyone to get to close to me, because I don't want to lose friends again and chance myself for people, I sort of like myself now, I'm carefree now and I don't worry about too much. Me and my father don't talk now, I sort of happy but then again I'm not. Only because, I want to talk to him but like I said, I don't like Geminis...
Plus, they way he way he looks at me and responds to me is nothing good. I don't know, my mom said when I was young I use to be very attached to him and not like her much, but now that I'm older I finally see him as very inhuman or inhumane.
He stole from us, He gave my mom a black eye, he choke me until I fainted, he beat until I had marks,scars,etc. And that why I think, if anyone has the right to be very angry at him it should be me, and I think if anyone has the right to get a lot luck it should be-but my sister (little) is the lucky one, she finds money,never gets into too much trouble and has a lot friends. I on the other hand never find money-on super rare~ accounts, I always get in trouble-well I learned to keep my mouth shut so I don't really know, and I don't have too many friends because in this day and age it's hard to trust people.
I guess some people are just bad, and some good and some people are lucky and so are not.
Restful Red
While I was taking a shower tonight I thinking about something. Why is that guys think they have the right to choose the perfect girl, but girls themselves cannot? It's wrong you know! I was watching Yamada Taro Monogatari and the role is reversed, the boy doesn't choose or even care about the imaginative girl but the girl chooses and doesn't like the boy because he's poor-how shallow. That's all I kept thinking while watching. How shallow! How Shallow! HOW SHALLOW!!!
This girl in the drama is/was very determined to be Tama no Koshi. Which I believe is queen-like or higher than queen. And so it occurred to me, why do people think they have the right to choose love. Were humans so I don't think we have the right to choose, the only think we have the right to choose is where we want to go and maybe what we want to do, but not who to love. Many people say they hate someone but in actually they love them-by fate wishes. Like I guess for instance my mother she says she hates my father but in actually she like him,right? In Hana Yori Dango, Makino said she doesn't love Tsubsa but the truth is she does. Love is a crazy thing right? And it's really funny because I've never actually been in love before, but I can predict it so well, it seems. I wonder, in my old life was a god or maybe someone of high knowledge?
Possibly not. I just like the idea of people finding there love, and hopefully...maybe I will find my love-one day, of course.
I maybe seem silly...but I hope that love is...Sho Sakurai.
I don't know what it is about that man, but whenever I see him I feel weird, maybe it's possibly a infautation but I still hope that I'm connected to him,someway...somehow.
I'm getting off topic,aren't I?
Well, I just think as humans,animals,aliens and even idols or computers we don't have the right or say in love-it just happens. We only have the choice to move,go and even but who we hate or like? I don't think so...
I know because I'm not really a big fan of my sister, but I still love her company at times, even if I am hard on her at times, but I feel that she needs it for the things she does. But I promise to be nice to her from this day forward but I know it's going to be really hard-I just don't like Geminis.
- - -
My dreams? One of them are becoming a teacher, the next is possibly a actress and the other is travel all over the world, it's a secert because if I tell my mom this she will be very upset at me and scold me or ridcule me and say I'm trying to be like my aunt who has accomplished or is trying to be all of these things. I really envy her. And I know my dreams or goals maybe not come true because they did come true for her. So far, she is teaching I wonder how that's going?
Also, I want to meet Arashi and have a paint ball fight with them and give them facials,aish, I'm really turning into a rabid Arashi fan aren't I? I really don't want to be one of those fans, they scare me in a way. Only because the claim a fellow Arashi member that I really like. Like most claim Jun or Sho. It's really hard for me to except. I hope one day all of the Arashi members, all of them, find there one true loves, this will make me happy and give me faith that everyone has someone and that the god really exist? No, that I will meet someone like me or for me. This will make me truly happy.
I was wondering do you think it's wrong for a girl who is 13-17 to date older men? I mention this because someone mentioned that an American idol named Miley Cyrus is dating an older guy and plus I'm really a book called: Dangerously Alice who says she dates older men. I myself have never dated and have at that, dated an older guy.
I think it's ok, because real boys of an age like 13-15 act really immature. Even at the age 16-18 the guys act really immature but I think it depends on your preference and all. I mean there's bad reasons and things-but really I think the boy population of the world or only in the america the boys are highly annoying and immature beyond knowing.
I made this blog private now because I'm done pleasing people with lies about my life like I'm half black and half korean and I was born in Seoul, now that I think about it I feel really bad about writing that and allowing everyone to believe, but really it didn't change anyone's outlook on me as...more cooler or something like that.
Also I like to keep to myself and there for if the forums had to go, allowing people who I don't want to view my blog and even random people viewing my blog has to go.
I feel really free now. Like I can talk about whatever and whenever I want, I feel proud of myself for thinking of such a genius thing.
So the new timeline:
Pure-Hanako Sanjyo (public): Aug.2007-Apr.2009
^Wow, for 3 years almost with half lies...
Poppin' Pink
When ever I talk to my friends they always tell me to get a cellphone. The truth is that I had a cellphone before it's just that:
1) I never really used it
2)I find a cellphone somewhat useless
3)I only really had to use it 3 times
4)I get unnecessary calls.
5)My little sister stole it
And even with that said they still ask me about why I don't have cellphone!
Updating from yesterday:
I deleted all the forum accounts I have, that includes H!O <-that forum is nothing but trouble I tell you. You have old,dirty men there saying how hot one girl is and then posting images of them half or naked-pasted onto someone else's body.
^I'll tell you an event that happened with that, I was in this one society called WHOA on H!O-It's not as active as it once was, but it's still there, but anyway they always have these weekly chats, so I'm there and then some pervert posts up some gif of Aya M with her top slipping down,note I didn't really know it was that, all he did was say: Everyone here's a link, click it and so I did.
After that, the chats have been nothing but weird and awkward, but that ok. Now, whenever they have the chats I don't join. It actually one of the reasons why I got rid of my MSN messanger.
Plus, I feel weird fangirling or admiring another's girl beauty-some girls do that it's innocent I guess, but I think weird, so I stopped. Well, as of yesterday I did and also I wasn't admiring Qian Lin's beauty only her funniness and personality-plus she has a good singing voice. Now, the only thing I have with Hello! Project is just their music, their music is really good, I guess.
Zebra White
Do they really have that color? Today I feel like a different person. I was thinking of bands and artists, and things. I love music, and I'm a big music fan. My current obession is Arashi. I this band a lot, there very down to earth and unique. But lately, I've been going online and I myself think the fandom is crazy. The other day I talked about having a dream about Sho. We have many things in common, and I would one day like to meet him-he's someone I look up to, as a male figure. I don't have to many people that are males that are really good idols or inspire me to become a smarter or better person. But luckily he does...
Well, I really posted this entry to express that I don't want to be a fan of any musician, I just want to like there music. This is will be very hard. I would continue but I don't think I have to the time or heart to.
But one thing I will probably keep doing is dreaming...of Arashi-I guess~
Blood Red
The dreams I've been having, are nothing but terrible! Well, they make me seem crazy is all.
Would you like to here? (^_^)?
Maybe you shouldn't...Really? Are you sure you want to hear?
Well, the other day I had a dream that, I was fairy or butterfly...A fairy with butterfly-like wings. And I was with matsujun and I had been taken away from him and into a this fairy universe. There in my previous life it was said that I had been madly in love with a guy name-Maru (who looks like:Sho Sakurai) who was a vampire. A fairy and a vampire?! I know it's crazy.(*^_^*).
Anyway, so there I am in Fairy World or FairyVille and I see him, he notices me right away, but I tell him I don't him and then all of sudden he hugs me and all the memories come back,to me. So I guess we come friends and then there's a guy from his vampire village whose jealous of our friendship and tries to break it up, actually many people do this in my dream. The guy's name Kuro-Maru or Kuro Sho-he evil. And so there's my dream <(*^_^). Really embarssing I know, but since this is my blog I can write as many embarrssing things as I want, humph!
Pretty in Pink
I keep forgetting to mention that my house is getting sold soon. It's a sad thought but, we just don't have the money like we use to and plus our landlord doesn't seem to take much of a liking to my mother. Really, it's all sad, but luckily I got a new laptop. Not really. My little brother and sister's laptops are being taken away from a recent scandal of them chatting online to people about inapproiate things-that I can't even say here. This laptop is really cute and highly small. I can take it anywhere I go! But, with my old laptop you can do the same but it was really big and not small like this. Here's what is looks like:
The keys are really hard getting use to but I'll try to get use to them. Plus the memory on this thing is very small, it makes me sad-but whatever, I just going to be on here to blog,listen to music and write stories (they're about celebrity couples, but I don't want to call them fanfics). Oh, yeah, I found my tamagotchi and it was dead. Yes, dead. D-E-A-D! I was very upset, but figured it was the best, I never had a tamagotchi that lived passed 2Gen.
Darth Gray
I'm really upset because on Saturday or Sunday, I broke my favorite CD with all my favorite songs on it and also lost my tamagotchi. Today, I found my tamagotchi and it wasn't dead. I was surprised, but also very happy. Haru lives! Anyway,today I have no homework, I think I should post this here because this will one day where I don't have homework in any classes. As for my report card, I didn't get it yet but I feel like I didn't do so great in the class, also math. But let's not talk about math. Let's talk about science...well, maybe not I'm starting to get bored typing out how I feel about that class. Well, I going back to sleep. Goodnight.
Today I didn't participate in gym, and I feel very incomplete. What can I say, I was ultra lazy today. It was sad,grayish day. Usually one of my favorite types of days, but I today was different. Anyway, forget about gym it has already happened. I would rant about a boy that had asked me out in the beginning of the year but since I turned him down, he's now "starting" to like my friend,Alice. It's a really crazy life I lead,I guess.
Chrisom Black
I really and truly hate my brothers and sisters, and don't even try to give me a speech about it your hormones your a teen you know, or those are your siblings you could be a bit nicer-No! Those freaking lunatics, drunk up all the milk! I love cereal and it's one of the only things I can actually eat my house that doesn't contain milk since all of the people living in my house are meat eaters. But no they drank it all up and then had the nerve to not wash their own bowls and etc. I know I'm the washers and all but one wash is good enough or even 2. Not 4 washes in one day, what the heck, you think I'm a freaking dishwasher?!
I hate them so really bad because they tipped over my flower vase! That's is unforgivable and unforgettable!
I wish I was only child at times or that I wish that it was only me and my older sister. I don't care if I have myself up to my ears in chores, I really can't take life anymore having a 10,11, and 13 year brothers and a sister than act like freaking 4 and 5 years old. Plus my brother, the older one who is 13, gets on my nerves almost as much as the 11 and 10 year old.
I had a good day, today. I guess. The only part that irked me the most is that at lunch time when are not free to roam around the school. It's a our lunch time, we can spend however we like. And just spending it roaming the always and visiting teacher is obviously how me and friend,Alice like to spend it. We should not have to be questioned and stared down by teachers of any kind even if they are the priest. I was telling some old lady that I talk to often this and she and my friend Alice agreed that since the priest of the school questioned me on this I was not to oblige to him. But I could care less, it's my lunch time,right, let me alone. I was really shocked at my friend Alice because just the other day he yelled at her for being in the hallways during lunch time. And it's not like were goofing off or anything it's just we don't want to eat or have nothing to eat so we go in the hall and look at awards or people's artwork. And each day it's so annoying and boring in the cafeteria with people begging you for money so they can get lunch, when you do not have your own. I on the other hand choose to not eat lunch because I'm a vegetarian and they have nothing on the menu for a healthy person or vegetarian such as myself.
Later on today, we went out to eat and I had a really fun time. I think I'm letting myself go really. I weight at least a good 63kg- and I blame my mother because we all go out to eat almost every week nowadays and it's really starting to show on me. If you look very hard at me you would think I was at least 50kg or 57 kg-tops. But never 63kg. I hope to loose weight by the end of the school year. Hopefully. At least just drop myself down to 45kg or 47kg-it doesn't matter.
In the car when we driving home I thought about back at the restaurant we were having a lot of fun the way we use to when that "man" wasn't around. I was so upset I cried but secretly. I really,really miss those days,you know?
This makes me laugh all day I've been saying you know.
Hey, notice my new sound in my blog post,today. I sound very smart,correct. See I learned that from humans~
I wish I had my blue skin again...
I'm also happy because one of my dear friends Rai, finally got a personal blog, I kind of feel weird posting on her DBSK fan blog, you know? But now on her personal blog we and everyone else has permission to talk about whatever,whenever-it's very cool. And I happy she finally got her a blog.
Rai rai I miss you also~ hey, email me anytime ok~ or I'll just stalk your blog
Candy Apple Red
I think it's time I got this out...And I don't know how to tell everyone but...I'm an Alien!
Yup and alien and just to check I took a quiz on and it said I was an alien. But I didn't like one of their questions, it said, do I want to take over the world? Of course not, I want to help the humans, from my planet, we like to help people and that's why I came here when I was merely 6 or 8 years or in human years but about 500 or 600 in uranian years or alien years. I'm still very young for an alien now. While some are at least 15000 or 70000 in uranian years, that is very old, I must say. And also, how do I know english so well? I'll tell you, I know many languages, and some I must study because I forgot them in my earlier years-100 years to be exact. What planet and I'm from, well it differs I use to live on the planet name Azuze (english pron.:az-su-say). It was very hot there and I had to leave very quickly. I dislike hot weather, you know. Then I moved to a colder a planet named Rabe (eng. pron.:ra' b ay). It was too cold and I had to leave also very quickly. Then I settled on a very lively planet name Uranus-I like this planet a lot, the weather was warm and nice and everything had a very cool greenish-bluish color. I would have stayed there longer if I had not heard someone scream from ear, I do have super good hearing,you know. And so I setted off for the United States. Where I had to shed my light blue shell of skin and fit in. Do I like it here? At times, but most of the times, I think...maybe not.
Shall I leave soon? Maybe, but there are many people who I have to help here and so far I only saved or helped 100 people in the united states, there are 6 million people here so you must understand that that isn't enough.
Today is April Fool's day! Which means it my brother's birthday. Today in school, I shall a good because of him. What is April Fool's day? I think only the United States has it but for kids a day you play pranks in celebration on a man who once played pranks a lot, this adaption is from King Charles IX changed that to January 1, some people stayed with April 1. Those who did were called "April Fools" and were taunted by their neighbors. <-How sad.
But anyway I just found out that only these countries celebrate it, try and find yours,ok?
UK,France,United States,Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and Ireland.
Hana felt last night, I'm very sad. She was 6 years old and left her son Haru with me. I will take very good care of him.
Tie Dye
I overheard my "disowned father" speak to my little sister (when my mom was nearby) about me and my older sister. He said that he could care less about us and that he doesn't by us anything. And just a few days ago, I was willing to be kind to him. I guess he has a reason to be mad at me, but I have a big reason to be angry with him. And if you don't know the reason then I'll tell you. One day, he came storming into me and my sister's room ask for the phone, his sister was down stairs (in the living room) and was no help in the situation because she's afraid of her brother-what a jerk, and so, comes into our room asking for the phone when my big sister is trying to make an appointment for my little sister to get her teeth fix-something he should be doing seeing as how he is the parent (but also may I remind you of this person's past, he has a habit or "use" of using drugs) and so he beginnings to wail out on my sister and he slaps the phone of her ear. I'm not sure if I saw it correctly but when I was asked by the police if he did I said because after all those hard times and etc. of him beating me down <-that was my pay back and it has not been paid in full, he has possibly physical and emotional scared me for life-not to mention my brothers and sisters. And time after time my mother always takes his side as if nothing is wrong. How can you love someone who abuses you and your kids. The other day, like last week "child service" or an organization who somewhat cares for the well fare of kids, comes and questions about my little brother falling in sleep in class, I don't know why CS had to be called in but whatever, and right then and there I wanted to tell them so badly that we were getting abused my that "man". Oh yeah, after that police incident, my mother didn't talk to me or my sister for a week or two. I'm tempted to not to talk to her now but I need my tamagotchi angel plus it's also lonely talking to my older sister who goes ranting on to her friends and talks about other family members or people in general-which makes me feel really uncomfortable.
So basically, the only thing I really have to myself are tamagotchis-because they are these little eggs that you can raise, and I raise them well because the always come out as the highest of all tamagotchis-but never the rarest-sadly. I don't think any tamagotchi collection has gotten at least one rare tamagotchi. And that's why I rant about them so much and because I love them. Also I have this blog, but I don't know, I feel slightly uncomfortable about posting this. Well, anyway back to the situation, I know I was wrong in one way-but just one or possibly 2 ways, and even if it was 10 ways he 's been wrong in so many ways I can't even count. I might have liked him when I little because I was young and pathetic but now I'm much wiser and braver. And when I say braver, I mean my brothers and sister and even my mom are afraid of that man-I feel on that day I proved to him that I'm way stronger because him and my sister held in fate in our hands even for that little moment. And somewhat I wish I could back to that moment where people were questioning me about why I wasn't speaking (because he gave me a busted lip) and tell them the real reason and not just shake my head or look away from them. My life really is chaotic and I wonder if I did something very bad in my past life...
Bubblegum Bliss
Today I'm happy because I got honors in 2 classes, or you could say 3. I count Spanish 3 an honors course in my school because not everyone is going to be in Spanish 3 next year, there either going to be in Spanish 2 or Spanish 1 again. Oh anyway, I got honors in English and History. I love history dearly, but english-wow. My english is not all that great, and plus I give my teacher a hard time sometimes so I'm really surprised. I really wanted science honors but today I got back a hard test and failed tremendously! So, I guess that was for the best,right?
Tomorrow I have to go to this building called Sunshine School and pick up a paper saying I can work, but not offically. I have to wait one more year to be offical. And when I get my first paycheck-wow, I shall spend it on tamagotchis.
And speaking of tamagotchis on Friday since I got 2 honors courses my mother will let me purchase a tamagotchi angel, I always wanted one you know.
YAY! I feel the need to post this here, since it's my blog. My mimitchi- met a simasimatchi and together they had a boy! I knew it. And also after that Hanachan won an award for hiphop. I want her to win one in rock or asian music or even pop, but she won one for hiphop. Well, you can't do much but be happy,right? I'm happy for her, she deserves it. With the boy I hope I raise a mametchi. But we'll have to see. Both hanachan and the other guy are here with the boy. What should I name it? Hiro,Maru,mariko? or Ken? Lol, Aiba?
Mirror Purple
I don't know why, but I went back to an old old site I use to visit back in 2007 and got all my blog post from there and put the on this blog. For, I plan to keep this blog longer than you can imagine, and not until I die, but that would be nice. People reading how I lived my life long ago. If and when I become famous, I not sure if I want this blog known because I share my secrets and ectera on this blog. I would give examples but I'll just have you read my blog from beginning to end-that sound fun to me.
Maybe I shouldn't have add the entries now that I think of it. It's mostly about my obsession with tamagotchis and how I once was panicking because I didn't receive my tamagotchi suku pink on time. But that's ok I added them anyway. And if I didn't delete my older blog I would probably have over 200 blog entries by now. But that's ok. I'm almost there. This will be my 180th post, isn't that grand?! Without the tamagotchi entries I would be at 160 right now. But anyway, enough talk about that. When I reach 200 post I shall throw another celebrate like last time when I reach 50 and then 100 posts. Can't wait, can you?
^Like the new tamagotchi emotions I found~
Feudal Gray
There are many things on my mind. First, what happened at gym. When we were playing hockey yes, I was still looking like an idiot, but also at the end of class I got stuck or should I say locked in the girl's lockeroom. It was embarrassing and not to mention said. Like I said early I'm shy in school and also sometimes at home. I don't talk much or any at that. And also today some weird girl want me to curse-what a moron. I was walking home from school and I stopped waiting to cross the street and all of sudden my school skirt goes up in the air. And the guy who driving the truck, stops for a moment and stares...what a pervert! I'm thinking of curling my hair, it straight now, but I want it curly. Do you think I would look ok,like this?
Jumping Orange
Before I go to bed, I just want to say, I'm almost done with my Genghis Khan interview paper, and I must say I'm a little proud of me. Proud that I actually did it and not go to sleep right away, like I was going to 6 minutes ago. I'm almost done, but I think I really should pack it now. It's going to be a long day, especially if I have gym which I do, I might sit this one out,because I'm really tired of hockey, and what's weird is, just last week I was saying to my friend how much fun it was going to be, it's really not fun.
Midnight Blue
It's raining and thundering here...and it's music to my ears! All last month and the month before that it's been snow,snow, and more snow. Here raindrops and seeing lighting is very comforting. I have a project to do in a little while, but I don't think I'll do it. Well, maybe, I'm really lazy I can't help it! Anyway, I'm doing this new program where you take surverys for points, so far so good, I'm already at 190 points. The real problem I have with the site is the possible shipping. I don't want the markers of the site to know where I live,haha.
But I do want my reward for taking all these surverys. So far I have 3000 more points to go before I get my 2 tamagotchis I want. I know it's really bad for me to be doing this,but...
I'm a fiend when it comes to tamagotchis-I will literally and obviously do anything for these cute little egg creatures. Besides I read the testomonies and looked at reviews at the all are safe, not one bad or disagreeing.
Well, I doing to continue to take the surveys now and do my project around...10 o'clock. It's weird because at 8:00, I said I would do the project at 9. And it's 9 now and I'm still not doing it-I guess I would do the project if I actually understood it!
Seaweed Green
My tamagotchi is by far popular. so far I've been raising it well. I think it's time I got away from the stresses, of my life. Lol, that was weird because just a few minutes ago I was complaining about what's bothering me. But then my tamagotchi beeped at me and now I'm happy again. I just found out that MM members love tamagotchis,also. To be exact Junjun and Eri-especially. I also realized that I have a lot in common with Junjun it's actually, scary, because when 8th gen MM came out, I was sworn to dislike this girl for a few reason, which now I realize are really lame and childish. But anyway, my tamagotchi is going quite well. Here are some stats:
So far I have taught Hana well, she is a mimitchi,you know. She one of the great ones!
I'm really proud of her for getting 1st place in the star rank. Yesterday she had 2nd and 3rd place. Her stress is ok, 49 out 100 is good correct, if it gets to 100 she could die or at least not listen to me,anymore-seeing that she's almost as lazy as I am.
Today, me and her shall go to Tamatown. Oh yeah, did I mention I even take her to school,yeah she hates there also. Well, me and Hana are going to go,now. Bye!
Today it's gray and white outside. I really love it when it's like this. But sometimes I don't. I have many things on my mind, to name a few:
1.I have no idea what to do about my history project
2.My friend called me out the blue, and I'm confused
3.I want to go outside and swing, but I don't want to leave my sister and brother here in the house alone.
4.My tamagotchi-Hana, asks very weird. Why?
5.I think my new favorites in MM is Junjun or Eri, but I still like linlin of course
6.All my tamagotchi and linlin book of photos are gone.
7.American idols now are a days are really lame.
8.I wonder how many days of school, I have. I want it to all be over. We get out for SB on april 10.
9.Should I watch YAMD? I don't know,really..
10.I hate homework.
11.I have gym tomorrow and I 100% hate gym, I seriously hate it~!
12.At night, every since I saw that scary movie, I watch my back more than ever now.
Just a few things going on in my mind. #1 and #11 is really eating at me.
I was going to call my friend and ask but I don't have her number and my other friend has no idea what we are doing! I really don't want to go to school tomorrow, but I have to,sadly. I think I've missed to many days.
Seal Brown
Yesterday, my sister got married, it was a super small wedding, it wasn't a big wedding where you see people in white beautiful dresses and cake with wedding singers-none of that. It was just a simple wedding taken place at city hall. I was really hoping that they would go have a huge wedding-or at least that's what I would like. Both my mom and sister got married the simple way-and possibly my grandmother...but I want to be married the big way with lots of people, dressed yellow and white and in a chapel. But I will have to way, possibly for a long time.
After that, for what seems like a honeymoon for them but just a fun time for me, we went to go see a scary movie, it was super scary. The movie was called Haunting of Connecticut. I really don't remember much of the movie, maybe my brain deleted it for me, when I was little I sort of programmed my brain to that. Anyway, from what I remember the movie wasn't so scary. The only thing that made the movie scary was the sound affects and the "burned creature/boy"
Wedding White
In possibly 10 to 15 minutes my sister shall be married, I'm happy for her, but I'm not sure if what she is doing/or going to do is correct. The man she is going to marry is ok. Just ok-for her I want her to marry the best. When they are going to get married when the guy who shall be wedding them says: "Does anyone object?". I should say me,right? No, I shouldn't let her be happy. If this is what she really wants, I must be the good sister I know I am and support her.
Momo and Teri WTF!<-I'm never going to do that again.
Office Green
I was just cleaning up my blog profile and I realized that I had many layouts of Changmin, well layouts that I already used or was going to. Here are some previews:,
I sadly deleted them, but I kept the codes so if anyone wants the layouts oaf anything just email me. Oh yeah, I threw in the Micky one just for kicks.
Today I was suppose to see someone after school for my Japanese lessons. It's a long walk to get there at least 7 or 10 miles. So I walk there and the lady was not there. You don't know how mad I was. Luckily, my mom saw me halfway up the street both times when I was walking home and walking towards the lady's house and gave me lift home. I'm still tired just thinking about it. Actually, in gym today we were playing hockey and I was running after the ball and... it was embarrassing, I don't want to talk about it.
Also today I had chose this layout, because I'm currently reading a novel about a fairy who's the long lost daughter of an ancient princess. The novel's themes and characters remind me of this layout, so that's why I chose this layout. It's cool, isn't?
I think people should read more, many people don't read. And when I say read I do not mean fanfics. Fanfics are very short, and even though some are well-written I do not think it's real reading that you can hold in your hands and flip through page after page.
But oh well, if people like this kind of reading, it's ok. As long as your having fun and reading it should ok,right?
As the days keep getting longer, my older sister keeps getting more and more annoying. First of all, I know she's pregant and prone to get annoyed and etc. But really she does not have to take all her frustation out on me, like sometimes she randomly hits me and yell, she's highly annoying. I didn't tell her to let that boy do that her, so I should be the only one suffering-actually, I should be suffernig at all. And second of all, she thinks that since she has a baby, she's forced to get married to this man who is really annoying-just like her a childish. I don't know about you but I think she really screwy. Actually just talking about her is making me tired. I'm going to go to bed now,goodnight. Oh yeah, I entered into a H!O contest, I hope get 1st prize and when the Maasa shirt and wrist band! Wish me luck,ok?
Steel Blue
YAY! Today is my mom's birthday. I left school early because I had cramps and because it was my mom's birthday (this reason hit me later), well I got into a fight with my sister today-nothing usual and my brother is acting very weird. I really dislike him at times. For the rest of my mom's birthday I shall be silent and not say anything-because I don't want to ruin the rest of her birthday, it always seems like whenever I open my mouth, trouble always happens, this does not apply to school. With myself not liking DBSK anymore, I moved on to other idols group and one that I currently love in Morning Musume-I like this group but mainly for Qian Lin she's my idol, because she went to a new foreign land and has made it into a really big group. And I always like Berryz Koubou, ever since 2007 or 2006. Anyway, I shall continue my day as normal. Checking up on my tamagotchi once in a while and doing my homework later-much later.
GumDrop Peach
I was just on Kpop secrets, and I realized something that I agree with them on, for a long time I've been dreading it and not wanting to talk about it because I have a lot of friends online that worship DBSK and SuJu, but I think it's time to say it. For the past few weeks I've been trying to avoid DBSK, and it's worked-I only ran into them 1-3 times and they were no big deal. But anyway, I think DBSK is starting to become really overrated now and it's starting to really irk me, really to the point where I don't want to be a fan anymore. I'll admit that I was a very obessed DBSK fan. But the DBSK fans are really...no HIGHLY annoying, I can't tell you how annoying they are in text. They're everywhere,forums,youtube, livejournal, and even on blogger. But the real place to pick them out is on youtube and also the STAND forum(yup, I once was a STANDer),wow, I feel like I'm giving out my secrets and my secret life-whatever. I don't want to be a DBSK fan because the fangirls really give other fangirls a bad name-there crazy and they like to hog the DBSK to themselves, and I really hate it to pieces, I know I use to do that with Changmin but it's obvious I grown up and fell out of love with him and another DBSK member. When you look at them for a long time you realize that they aren't as "beautiful" or "sexy"<-(I hate that word.) as they once were when you first started to like them. So far DBSK has ran my life for about 1-2 years, I think that's a little early in the game to give them up but there really starting to get annoying. There overrated for no real reason, I don't even think there that talented and the fan base is huge, people get so worked up about them. Do you really think a DBSK member will marry you or pick you one day as there wife? No. I don't think so. I don't hate DBSK I just think there getting lame and old. And if I can cut SHINee off, I can DBSK off. I shall be spending my extra fan girling support on important underrated bands like F.T. Island,SS501,Epik High, they actually deserve the extra fangirls, versus DBSK. And as of STAND, I use to be an anti, but I'm really tired of hating them when they don't even know we exist. So instead I'll call myself a neutral to them or at least a semi-fan. I just think...that maybe I don't really have time for all the nonsense of the DBSK world. And for all you fans out there I just want to say that you guys are very strong, hang in there,ok?
Venetian Red
You're probably wondering what the heck the EXmotchi is. I'm wondering about it also. Here's what I found:
As part of EXILE’s Perfect Year celebration, they will be releasing a electronic game device called “EXmochi” which is based from Tamagotchi. The characters of EXmochi will be all the members of EXILE and EXILE’s mobile mascot.
They had a collaboration with Bandai in celebration of Tamagotchi’s 12th year anniversary. EXILE is the 2nd artist to launch their own Tamagotchi since GLAY did it 4 years ago.
EXmochi will be launched on November and will come in 2 colors, white and red.
The sales of the EXmochi is projected to be at 200,000 units.
And pictures:



I really want the red one...and the white one. They look so cool, I already contacted a person about this tamagotchis, but maybe I shouldn't have...I don't have any money <(^_^)
Sunflower Yellow
I'm sort of happy,sort of upset. Happy because I got a new tamagotchi to add to my collection, it's called Tamagotchi:Music Star, which is basically v6. The sad part is yesterday I spend the day,mostly crying and moping because my tamagotchis' are all gone, someone threw them out. I'm really...What the word. It's starts with a P and ends with an D. And in between is two Ss'. That's about as close to the word as I can get. I mean really-I'm very upset. When I get 100 dollars for my report card and hopefully it's very good. I shall study for math test, maybe later. Maybe (^_^). I hope I get a really good report card so I can get all the tamagotchis I lost and want. For example:
Tamagotchi V2
Tamagotchi V3
Tamagotchi V4
Tamagotchi V4.5
Tamagotchi V5
Tamagotchi Angel
Tamagotchi Morino and possible Exmotchi.
I really want a Exmotchi!!!!
Baby Blue
Today I woke up early in the morning, compelled to find my tamagotchi, that I kept all on an orange lanyard, so far I found nothing. I'm just hoping my sister who stole a while ago, didn't take them and sold them off to her friends. Oh, please say she didn't. Anyway,I'm going to keep looking,please have faith in me.
I can't believe I got it wrong, usually I'm always right. I all of today I stressing about a book I was suppose to finish for English class-it due on Monday. I thought today was Sunday. I say this because I told my sister to go to bed for she had school and she said no we don't, so I clicked on my computer calendar and she's right-for once. Sorry, aaleio XD.
This is a relief, I can finally go to bed with out any worries, I really feel like laughing at myself. All day I've been looking up tamagotchis and now I'm scrambling around doing homework,etc. I'm a very crazy girl-but whatever, I shall, continue to do my homework for tomorrow I can spend all day tomorrow looking up more tamagotchis. Hey, did you know they have a tamagotchi based on one of my favorite japanese boy bands,EXILE?
Condor Beak
It's morning here in New York, actually 9:43 a.m. to be exact. It's really cold in my house because the heater is broken. I was just thinking of something that has irked for...ever!
My little sister gets away with everything, and when I say little I mean far from in body mass terms-she really big(the polite way of saying it) and she's only 10 or 11 years of age. She's really annoying. For the past week, she hassled my mom to go and let her have laptop back and after my mom took it away because she stole(this was her punishment and it only lasted 3 days!) If it was me I would have gotten my laptop took away for a good 2-3 weeks to a month. I think this is really unfair. And please, when you read this don't think about the "little sister" part, she is far from, she sneaky,evil and mean, and she looks older than I do. If it wasn't for my height over hers, you would think that she was the older sister, and not me. Now, moving on to my 1st brother, or the middle child in our family of 6(including my dog Copper-Lilly). He's really starting to get taller than me, even though I put him down for that because I want to be tall forever(well not anymore), I'm really proud of him, I would tell him that, but he's too wrap up in the social scene to even care about family sometimes...(-_-;)
Well, I just needed to get that out of my head, thanks for listening, I hope to see you again.
French Rose
So I didn't go to school today, but-I had to beg and beg-which really I shouldn't have to do. All this week it seems like I've been looking at all the post I have on my blog. I noticed countless errors in my sentences and what not, and how I really use to be very funny,cute and carefree. Nowadays I really don't see it. I wish to gain this person back-this I had known just only *counts on hands* last year-no, the year before. Wait! 4th grade me, I was so peacefully then and even the 5th grade me, I don't really like the 6th grade me, and the 3rd grade me was very much a crybaby. The 9th grade is very shy and the 8th grade me was very outgoing. All these personalities I had and I never really thought about them or liked as much as I do now. I made a chart at the end of this post to show you the transition of all of my personalities.

Anyway, my day, it went ok, I guess. I had a day off(meaning I didn't go) and I went traveling, (^_^) Not really, I just went with my sister to go run errands for her and my mom. It's was a fun day I believe. I just ate a while ago, but I'm hungry again OTL, what is wrong with me?!