Zebra White

on April 12, 2009

Do they really have that color? Today I feel like a different person. I was thinking of bands and artists, and things. I love music, and I'm a big music fan. My current obession is Arashi. I this band a lot, there very down to earth and unique. But lately, I've been going online and I myself think the fandom is crazy. The other day I talked about having a dream about Sho. We have many things in common, and I would one day like to meet him-he's someone I look up to, as a male figure. I don't have to many people that are males that are really good idols or inspire me to become a smarter or better person. But luckily he does...
Well, I really posted this entry to express that I don't want to be a fan of any musician, I just want to like there music. This is will be very hard. I would continue but I don't think I have to the time or heart to.
But one thing I will probably keep doing is dreaming...of Arashi-I guess~