Seal Brown

on March 28, 2009

Yesterday, my sister got married, it was a super small wedding, it wasn't a big wedding where you see people in white beautiful dresses and cake with wedding singers-none of that. It was just a simple wedding taken place at city hall. I was really hoping that they would go have a huge wedding-or at least that's what I would like. Both my mom and sister got married the simple way-and possibly my grandmother...but I want to be married the big way with lots of people, dressed yellow and white and in a chapel. But I will have to way, possibly for a long time.
After that, for what seems like a honeymoon for them but just a fun time for me, we went to go see a scary movie, it was super scary. The movie was called Haunting of Connecticut. I really don't remember much of the movie, maybe my brain deleted it for me, when I was little I sort of programmed my brain to that. Anyway, from what I remember the movie wasn't so scary. The only thing that made the movie scary was the sound affects and the "burned creature/boy" Hey...did you know I'm an alien. Just a really tall alien~(^_^)