Condor Beak

on March 21, 2009

It's morning here in New York, actually 9:43 a.m. to be exact. It's really cold in my house because the heater is broken. I was just thinking of something that has irked for...ever!
My little sister gets away with everything, and when I say little I mean far from in body mass terms-she really big(the polite way of saying it) and she's only 10 or 11 years of age. She's really annoying. For the past week, she hassled my mom to go and let her have laptop back and after my mom took it away because she stole(this was her punishment and it only lasted 3 days!) If it was me I would have gotten my laptop took away for a good 2-3 weeks to a month. I think this is really unfair. And please, when you read this don't think about the "little sister" part, she is far from, she sneaky,evil and mean, and she looks older than I do. If it wasn't for my height over hers, you would think that she was the older sister, and not me. Now, moving on to my 1st brother, or the middle child in our family of 6(including my dog Copper-Lilly). He's really starting to get taller than me, even though I put him down for that because I want to be tall forever(well not anymore), I'm really proud of him, I would tell him that, but he's too wrap up in the social scene to even care about family sometimes...(-_-;)
Well, I just needed to get that out of my head, thanks for listening, I hope to see you again.