Timeless Lemon

on April 15, 2009

A little over christmas, my theology teacher passed out little envelopes and inside they had a small bag of skittles, a card and a toy/item. At first I got a coin, when I received the coin, I wanted to trade with someone who had the necklace, at first I asked the boy and he said he would not trade with me, at the end of the day he came up to me and wanted to trade, I said I had already gaven it to one of my old friends or acquitance from school. He was upset but that was because he was too slow reacting.
Instead one my other acquitance from school gave her pedant, it come with a necklace-it weird she gave them to me freely. But anyway long story short after 4 months, I'm now wearing it. And it has an inscribition on the back of it. That says: "I'm a catholic in case of serious accident please call a priest."
I'm not catholic, in fact I'm christian, so should I wear this? I really like this pedant it's cute, and I really want to wear something that has to do with god, if I wear this does it show that I don't love him? That I'm joking for believing in christianity, that I'm ashaming many people?
I don't know what the answer is, but I'm going to keep wearing it, because I like it alot.
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I'm having a hunger crisis, I didn't want to say it here, but I am. Since my journal is now private.
I didn't eat last night, I ate a little this morning and I don't plan to eat this afternoon or tonight. Why? Because...I think I'm getting way big for my age. I weigh 140, which is supposely normal for girl who 5'6-5'7. But I want to be skinny like the girl in my grade named mekeshia, she's possibly about 100 pounds. I'm going to guess. And it probably doesn't look weird when she wears skirts,pants or shorts. My thighs are huge-no lie included.
When I reach 115 or 120-again, then I'll be happy. I don't know how I going to lose the weight those, I hate excrising-actually I don't even know how to excrise!
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I have exactly 4 days, until the horror house-meaning gym and school. I don't know why, but I just hate that class. The kids are evil, but the gym teacher is really watching my every move to see if I'm participing for points, isn't it enough that I'm on the court with you and I have my gym things on, unlike so people.
And also, now that the weather is warming up, we'll probably have to go outside soon. Urgh, I hate gym (>_<),