Blood Red

on April 11, 2009

The dreams I've been having, are nothing but terrible! Well, they make me seem crazy is all.
Would you like to here? (^_^)?
Maybe you shouldn't...Really? Are you sure you want to hear?
Well, the other day I had a dream that, I was fairy or butterfly...A fairy with butterfly-like wings. And I was with matsujun and I had been taken away from him and into a this fairy universe. There in my previous life it was said that I had been madly in love with a guy name-Maru (who looks like:Sho Sakurai) who was a vampire. A fairy and a vampire?! I know it's crazy.(*^_^*).
Anyway, so there I am in Fairy World or FairyVille and I see him, he notices me right away, but I tell him I don't him and then all of sudden he hugs me and all the memories come back,to me. So I guess we come friends and then there's a guy from his vampire village whose jealous of our friendship and tries to break it up, actually many people do this in my dream. The guy's name Kuro-Maru or Kuro Sho-he evil. And so there's my dream <(*^_^). Really embarssing I know, but since this is my blog I can write as many embarrssing things as I want, humph!