
on April 13, 2009

I was wondering do you think it's wrong for a girl who is 13-17 to date older men? I mention this because someone mentioned that an American idol named Miley Cyrus is dating an older guy and plus I'm really a book called: Dangerously Alice who says she dates older men. I myself have never dated and have at that, dated an older guy.
I think it's ok, because real boys of an age like 13-15 act really immature. Even at the age 16-18 the guys act really immature but I think it depends on your preference and all. I mean there's bad reasons and things-but really I think the boy population of the world or only in the america the boys are highly annoying and immature beyond knowing.
I made this blog private now because I'm done pleasing people with lies about my life like I'm half black and half korean and I was born in Seoul, now that I think about it I feel really bad about writing that and allowing everyone to believe, but really it didn't change anyone's outlook on me as...more cooler or something like that.
Also I like to keep to myself and there for if the forums had to go, allowing people who I don't want to view my blog and even random people viewing my blog has to go.
I feel really free now. Like I can talk about whatever and whenever I want, I feel proud of myself for thinking of such a genius thing.
So the new timeline:
Pure-Hanako Sanjyo (public): Aug.2007-Apr.2009
^Wow, for 3 years almost with half lies...