Mist Brown

on April 15, 2009

Secret Post-su 2! I'm still not happy about posting these but whatever.
1.I dream very dirty dreams about the Arashi members (But I guess this normal for everyone)
2.I always dreamed that one day I would get raped.

About the first dream, I think this is normal for everyone, you know even at a low age of 12 you might dream of something inapproiate involving another human, also this is normal for me because I'm a teen and that's what we do.
About dream the second dream, I was very young of many 9 or 10-which is really no excuse but I thought that since many guys liked that...I would get raped one day because guys would always I'm cute or...that I'm pretty and smile at me and not take their eyes off me. Today, it's the same but they actually chase after me or hop out there car and try and chase me. This happened a few times and other times I can't even think of...
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I'm continuing onto the first sin/secrets post...
#3-I don't know what to say...I was really young and many people actually really liked in Virginia. I really didn't have much say, because I was shy and I didn't really talk. I don't really remember who we got into what we did. All I can remember is the boy kissing my cheeks and maybe my mouth I'm not sure-all this in his closet or in his room closed. I think I really remember these events because there so traumatic for me. I think this goes for all the secrets.
But the one secret that scares or annoys me the most is secrets number#5 and possibly 4. But I was really young at the age of 4. I'm just hoping that he didn't take off his clothes and didn't try to do that with me and I didn't try and do that with him. In secret #6 it's like history repeated itself all over again, and that's...pretty sad.

Message to god:
Please god forgive me for I have sinned a lot, but the only real secrets or sins I can think of are only 8. Don't help me try and remember more for that will only me more stressed. (Like I'm not already stressed from gym). Please erase these bad memories from my life and mind and let me have a good life from now on and let me still be able to find the one I love-and the one that loves me. And that's not in family-regarding to secret #4.