Bye Bye Bye

on May 16, 2009

From now on all my post titles will be named after H!P songs,Arashi songs,Perfume songs or Namie Amuro songs.
I renamed my blog from Over to Koi no Hana (is this love). So here's the line up of names:
Pure>Over>Koi No Hana>???.
^Hopefully it won't be re-named. I'm going to have to tell everyone re-link,again! わん!
Anyway, my life? What's going on?
My sister's fall outs with me are starting to become regular-and I don't really might it so much.
My mother is annoying my sister terrible and she comes crying to me-not literally of course.
I can't wait to go to South Korea for the summer.
I told my Korean teacher this and she was surprised, we're still on the rocks from the last fall out.
I have a science test coming up and I don't know what's going to be on it.
The teachers are loving me currently and I don't know why, I'm failing all of there classes!-Not really.
My friend Alice got a high grade on a test in Health and I'm really jealous-but not anymore, I got higher grade in English to cover that.
Oh no! My History project is due on Tuesday!
I want to learn Japanese but I really need to study my Korean
I improved on my Korean by 20%.