Cloudy Gray

on March 01, 2009

Hey, I was just thinking. What if life was wasn't so sterotypical and planned out? Would like be better this way? In the US, people generalize on skin color and religon-they do so much I want to move away to another place in the world, but then I realized that even if I move there will always be a person like this. And the planned out part? Well, yes, I believe in astrology-so there's your answer and also, well, I just think it's all planned out because of events that happened before like-when someone gets into a car accident, and then another gets into a car accident it's like history is repeating it's self but in these people, like there's a group of people who's going to fine love and then there's another group of people who think there going to find love and then there's another group of people who don't find love. I hope I'm in the group that will find love and I hope you are in the group that finds love,also. I know that my explanation was weird but try to hang on there,haha.
Anyway, I was thinking should I change my blog title. Pure is very nice, but there's something about me that doesn't seem so pure, an also to other people I don't seem pure(but it's like I care what they say,I'm very independant). If I could change my blog title I was thinking of like: Speciality,Believe or Reason<--those are all titles of Nami Tamaki songs(which I love).
I mean pure is a nice title-the reason I picked it was mainly because there's more than one dictonary meaning and also because I am pure-but deep inside my heart. On the outside many people see me as sweet,shy,quiet,cold(at times) and also innocent(I've been told this countless times). And it's true that maybe my personality matches the title but I just think....oh well...I think I'm over thinking today, what do you think?