"Kkot Bun!"

on October 23, 2008

I was offline for a few days due my laptop charger finally dying on me Poor charger it didn't even stand a chance... Anyway, I've been very lonely with out my charger-but it did give me time to finally finish a book I started reading 3 days ago. I feel so accomplished, also this week I've been sick,very sick, not to mention I've been packed down with homework and I'm not stressed! But it's ok because I have my laptop back and it's almost the end of the week.
At school, I've come to the conclusion, maybe I shouldn't have friends, I know it sounds terrible but it's true. All my friends end up ignoring me or deserting me-it really hurts
I told my mom and she said: "Sometimes it's like this." So, I must face the fact and realize sometimes life is like this.


Homework:Math,History,English and Science