"I can't help it"

on October 07, 2008

So...ask me how my day has been? Well, over all when I think about, and take out a few minor parts it's good. Not as bad as I made it out to be in my mind a few seconds ago.
Today, I have completed one of my goals, bring all of my homework home and not leaving it in my locker I feel so proud. But I would feel prouder if I didn't have a bad headache. Also, I'm starting a dog walking business because...I love dog! I know that must come as a shocker to you, but I do. I actually own a golden retriever also. We named her copper, because she has copper-like fur. She is very wild also, I don't know why... Anyway, I should go and do my homework now, but I just want to sit on the internet and look at pictures and see what everyone is doing. Actually, that reminds me I have to finish passing out fliers. Luckily, in my neighborhood, a lot of people own dogs, but the sad part is that I haven't received any phone calls from the fliers I handed out on Saturday, really Saturday night, but I assumed it was because we don't get mail on Sunday. Oh well, if I keep trying my best then maybe someone will call.

Music:Love in the Ice-DBSK
Homework:Math and History