"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."

on October 11, 2008

A-Z Survery
A - Available - Yes
B - Best Friend - Rai,G_M,Krystal,Namia,Noor
C - Crush -Changmin,Shindong and Rain
D - Dad's Name - Omar
E - Easiest Person To Talk To -Myself and Oppa
F - Favorite Band - DBSK,F.T.Island,Shinhwa,SHINee,Super Junior,Big Bang
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms - Gummy bears->on parade
H - Hometown - Seoul
I - Instrument - Keyboard, Trombone(retired)
J - Job - 0
K - Kids - 0
L - Longest Car Ride - The car ride to Long Island(NY) then to New Jersey(NJ) then back home.
M - Milk Flavor - Vanilla. Sometimes strawberry
N - Number Of Siblings - 4
O - One Wish - to be happy, meet some of my lovers and idols.
P - Phobias - bedbugs,spiders and killers
Q - Favorite Quote - everything has it's beauty,but not everyone sees it
R - Reason To Smile - happiness,reading,something funny, looking at pictures of my husband
S - Song You Last Heard -She was pretty-JYP
T - Time You Woke Up - 8:35
U - Unknown Fact About Me - I like chocolate, even though sometimes I make it seem like I don't.
V - Vegetable -Carrots,Spanish,Broccoli, and Celery
W - Worst Habits -Talking to friends during classes-sometimes.
X - X-Rays You've Had - 0
Y - Your Favorite Food - Any dish that my future husband makes
Z - Zodiac Sign - Aquarius
->What he written on my bathroom wall<- *Rai *Noor *Krystal *Crystal *Shar *Jas *Ngjy


Music:I have never seen-Namie Amuro
Homework:Math,History and Science<-still