
on March 15, 2008

No matter how hard I seem to try I can't just go to sleep. I've been up the past 3 days! I guess that caffeine from the Ice Tea I had didn't wear of yet. It actually sad, because I really want to go sleep but I can't. Oh yeah, I got my intern report and it was good,not great or excellent-like it should. But lots of teachers left comments like should come to school more. Why? When most of the time they aren't! Also, I just noticed something, when I went to school it wasn't as bad as it usually is. I always figure that in the long run and then it turns out bad or I still don't go. Why is that? Anyway, I got job paper today, that means I can work! I'm so happy because that means I have money to do what the heck I want with it. Wait! There's only one problem it's a summer job not a real job job. Well, I'm gonna try to go sleep,now...after looking at pictures of a certain celebrity.
♥Location: Dreamworld-now
♥Music:Try me-Namie Amuro