on November 13, 2007

I'm not bland,gray and cold. School is and I took the liberty to wake up very ealier today so I can post in my blogagotchi. I realize that I post mostly in this blog then my real one on Blogger. Anyway, I'm going to delete that one and stay with this one. Today, we go swimming for gym class, I hate swimming. Here are the reason:

  1. The water is always cold when you get in

  2. You must shower before you get in, but I or my classmates never have time

  3. You never know who was in that pool and what the could have done.

  4. The teacher says there's a heating system in there but I don't feel it.

  5. There's a shallow end and a deep end. And guess which one I'm in? Shallow end

Well, anyway, if today goes any good and I get tamagotchi I'll be very  very happy!