No, it's not a rumor. But it is a very cute tama. Many people at first that the Famitamas' were fake and that Bandai Japan had no intention of creating these. But they did and I'm happy about it. I'm getting one for Christmas because I'm getting a TamaSuku that was 40.00 and in my mom's book that's a lot. She's thinking about getting me a credit card so I can go online and get my own tamagotchis'. Well, anyway. Back to Famitamas'. I was Tamatalk yesterday and there was a lot of talk about the new vitual pet. Family Iro Iro! Tamagotchi Plus is the real name but I call it Famitama because it about a family and it's family-related,right? Anyway, instead of one egg or baby to take care of you get to take care of 2. It's very cool. I hope I get the memetchi family when I start it. There will be 2 types of formats with this. You etheir get the toy or you get the toy and DVD. I'm planning on getting the white one since I don't have a white tamagotchi. The only colors these toys come in is: and yellow. The yellow is nice,too. But I like the white one. I also love the lock and key look,don't you. Well, I'm bored so I attached pics,too. Please enjoy!
A daily blog of ramblings and such
Family Iro Iro! Tamagotchi Plus(Famitama)
on November 12, 2007
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