Tamagotchi Suku guide

on November 14, 2007

Here is a guide to extreme tamagotchi Suku(ing)! This guide consists of tama suku 1 and 2. Please enjoy. I also included pictures!

Tamagotchi Suku 2: The Status Meter:

This icon has Four different screens:

1st screen: has four hearts that represents what your popularity is. Basically,
the number of students you have in your class.

2nd screen:T
he number of students you have in your class.

3rd screen:Music , Gym , and Art , the points range from 0 - 999 . The Next  Screen is how many gotchi points they have.

4rd screen: The Teacher you picked and the name. The symbol I below, I believe are what subject you are teaching.

Student Attendance:

This Icon shows you all the students you have in your class , And it tells you which  number they are on the top right hand  corner and on the top left hand corner of the screen and it tells you what there special subject is.

Music Class [Game]

Well with this icon you can choose 1 of 22 different games to play , the First is a Game were you have to use the d-pad right ,  down , and left , to choose a certain note, You pick the note the is in the box and you have to hit the note right when it's in  the box or you will loose so not to fast and not to slow. The second game is were you use right and left and you have to move the  set of notes to match up with the notes that are on the bottom of the screen.

Gym Class [Game]

With this icon you can also choose one of two games , The First is a running game were you have to avoid stuff that gets in your  way, and the second game is Soccer were you just have to guess were to shoot the ball and hope the goalie doesn't catch it.

Art Class [Game]

Once again you can select one of two games , The First is a Puzzle game were you use the D-pad to select a tile (There are four  to choose from) and the B button to rotate it. The second game is a painting game were you have you get the brush right over the  egg and press The B button .


Well with this icon there are four selections to choose from, The First are all of the items you give to your student that will  Make your popularity go up or The class mark's to go up, I am not sure on what it does , The third section has all the item's  your students give you as gifts , The fourth section has all the items you get form Suku town [http://school.e- tamago.com/pc/flash/tamasc.html]

and food.

Friends list

I haven't connect a Suku to mine so I cannot select this icon.


With this icon there are two selections to choose from , The First is were you can buy: A book game , A music Book (It gives you  10 points in the subject the has on the front) , A Gym Book , and a Art Book .and Then there are items too boost your popularity  such as A Chocolate bar.


This icon light's up when you get a new student or a student need s your help , You help them by playing a game with them or  just talking to them.

When you First start it up it will play a little tune and then it will

ask you to input the date and time , then you input your name [Using Japanese Characters] , After you input your name you select  your Birth Date, After that you select your Teacher The First is The Art Teacher , The next is The Gym Teacher , and the last is  the Art Teacher. After this you Get all your First students [you get six] After you get your students you can select the icons.