
on August 15, 2008

I always thought, that one day, I wouldn't have a run in with a rapist or a stranger that would want to "touch" me. Well, tonight, just 1 hour ago, I was called by one....well actually this is what happened...I was leaving my mother job, I took the short walk around the building, and just before I had reached the dark alley, I heard a whistle, I looked and it was a guy about 5'9 or 5'8 who wearing tan/cargo pants and a dark green or black shirt. He had a big built, he was fat in other words. Then he started calling me like: Hey you! and started coming towards me, luckily I was fast and I had manage to out run him, but it was a really close call, he had followed me up until about a nearby garage bin. I was really shocked and scared. I could have been raped. All day today, my luck has been changing from good to bad. So the bad thing about this was that I was almost raped or killed. And the good thing was that I wasn't. Thank goodness for me being a fast runner. I was always practicing the run I would do whenever someone would follow me or chase me. Just glad I practiced long enough, to outrun this guy.
♥Location: In my room,safe and sound
♥Mood: shocked
♥Music: Kissing me-Jyongri