I've had a crazy boring day today, I just want to go to bed right now, but I want to take a survey first.
1.Eye color: Brownish-Black
2.Hair color:brownish-red with patches of red...(I dyed it,ok!)
3,Height: 178cm(I don't know now)
4.Right or Left handed:Right
5.Your weakness: Buying stuff online...CHANGMIN!!!
6.Fears: Losing my mom, Changmin will marry before I go back to Korea.
7.Your most overused phrase: I do not understand and You are wrong
8.Thoughts first waking up:What was my dream again?....Oh, I remember
9.Your Best Physical Feature:Smile
10.Your Bedtime: Don't know yesterday stayed up until 5:23 a.m..so unlimited
11.Pepsi or Coke: I don't drink sodas
12.Mc Donald's or Burger King: Burger King
13.Ice Cream or Yogurt: Icecream (especially since it the summer time)
14.Pizza or Chinese: Pizza
15.Waffles or Pancakes: Waffles-hands down
16.Single or Group Dates: Group Dates, but I would know so..
17.Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
18.Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate!!
19.Cappuccino or Coffee: Real people drink Coffee (sorry no offense)
20:Do you smoke: No
21.Do you drink: No
22.Do you swear: Not outloud...
23.Do you sing:Yes
24.Do you shower daily: Yes
25.Do you floss: Yes and mouthwash
26.Do you Drive: No
27.Have you ever been in love: Yes, with Changmin
28:Have you ever cheated on your BF/GF: Only in my dreams (sorry changmin...*sniff*)
29.Do you want to get married:....seen my parents marriage and No.
30.Do you believe in yourself:No
31.Do you get motion sickness: What?
32.Do you think you are attractive: No
33.Do you get along with your parents: Mom-only
34.Do you have any brothers or sisters:Yes
35.Do you like thunderstorms:No
36.Do you play an instrument:Not anymore
37.Do you have any pets: A dog
38.What is your favorite color:White,yellow,pink and sometimes black
39.In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:No
40.In the past month have you Smoked:No
41.In the past month have you been on Drugs:No
42.In the past month have you gone on a Date:In dreamworld...
43. In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Does the entrance count?
44. In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No
45.In the past month have you eaten Sushi:No
46.In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No
47.n the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
48.Ever Been Drunk:In my dreams,For the last time!!
49.Ever Been Called a Tease:No
50.Ever Shoplifted:When I was really small, 4-5 years old, it was by accident
51.Ever Gotten a Speeding Ticket:No
52.Ever had a secret crush:I...really don't know
53.Ever been to Disney:You mean the store right?
54.When Was the Last Time You Were Drunk:All these drunk questions, have you ever been drunk before?
55.When Was the Last Time You Were on a Plane:Never
56.When Was the Last Time You Heard "I Love You:Changmin sung to me. This was not in dreamworld ethier.
57.When Was the Last Time You Cried:Two nights ago, was listening to sad songs and thinking of Changmin
58.Number of Piercings:6 altogether
59.Number of Tattoos:None
60.Number of Things in My Past I Regret:6 come to my mind instantly
♥Location: In in my room with Changmin
♥Mood: Tired
♥Music-Me Lovc-Sean Kingston
♥Dreamworld: Stuffed in someone's basement once again but with the vampire clan people
A daily blog of ramblings and such
on August 28, 2008
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