"Science is simply common sense at its best."

on November 17, 2008

Yup, you finally want to know the reason why I haven't been on my blog often. What? You don't know yet. Oh well, I'll explain...One word, one syllable. School. I think we all know how that goes. Like right now I'm trying to listen to music, do my science homework(well catch up) and then try to blog. It's ok. I'm a multi-tasker so this isn't taking too much out my life. Anyway, it's ok 8:52 in NY. I have a big headache~! Sorry, I just had to type that for random purpose. Well, online I've been staring at these nails for a while and I finally purchased them. Remember the blue ones I use to have? Yeh, I traded them for these:

Cute huh?
Anyway, I feel like I deserve them for working so hard in school. Don't you think so. Anyway, today I took this hard math test and I believe I did a good job on it. It was sort of...easy?!
Wow, this homework is really calling. Ok, goodbye everyone,have a nice day.


Music:Ready or Not-Fugees
Homework: Science and English
Tv: News Channel
Quote of the day:"Science is simply common sense at its best."-Thomas Huxley